Prepare for unexpected vet bills
It may surprise you to learn that Greyhounds were originally bred to be hunting dogs. Today, people typically associate Greyhounds with their speed and what a fast dog they are! Going up to 45 miles per hour, a Greyhound's swift run is what made them ideal hunters (they can go faster than any rabbit or fox they may be chasing!). Cater activities and games to your Greyhound by keeping these things in mind - they love to go fast and they like to hunt!
There is a wide range of running games that you can set up for your Greyhound and your pup is sure to love them all. While Greyhounds are known runners, it is important to keep in mind that they are best at short, fast runs rather than going far distances. So while your pup will enjoy going for a quick mile around a track with you, you may want to leave them home if you plan on going for a 10 mile jog. Another pointer when setting up racing games for your Greyhound is to think about their hunting background and how they enjoy chasing something, not just running around freely. Here are a few running games you can try.
You may have heard of therapy dogs and the many benefits that they have. Therapy dogs are basically pups who will visit places like hospitals or rehabilitation centers to cheer up those who are ill. They provide love, comfort and affection and are an excellent resource to those in need. A Greyhound is actually the perfect breed for this job. Greyhounds are very mild mannered, affectionate and calm. They enjoy being around people and are typically not afraid to be pet and fawned over. Training your Greyhound to be a therapy dog will not only be great for your community but your pup will like it as well.
Greyhounds are the perfect breed to train to use a dog agility course. Since most agility courses are short, a Greyhound's quick bursts of speed are ideal and the fact that they are small and nimble will help as well. When training a Greyhound to run an agility course, keep in mind that this breed does best with slow and steady training. So rather than telling your pup a harsh "no" and using discipline to train, coax them into doing the correct actions using treats and praise - your Greyhound will respond better to this! Once trained, your Greyhound has serious potential to be an agility race winner.
Find a local Greyhound group that you can be a part of. People with Greyhounds love bringing their pups together and there may be many events that you and your dog can attend. Greyhounds do love to be social!
Greyhounds are very playful pups but they also like to just cuddle in their dog bed with their favorite toys. Look for a soft, plush toy for your Greyhound and test a few out to discover which is your dog's favorite (then buy a few in case one gets 'accidentally' destroyed!)
Greyhounds are a remarkable breed of dog. Their inherent need to chase prey and their incredible speed are sights to be seen. These bursts of energy from a dog who then wants to just cuddle and relax makes for a very enjoyable breed to have at home. Make sure to satisfy your Greyhound's need to run and also their desire to unwind and just hang out on their dog bed. With such a complex personality, there are plenty of things you can do with your Greyhound so get ready to have some fun!