Activities For Irish Wolfhounds

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If you are the proud owner of a massive, strong, shaggy Irish Wolfhound then you are a lucky person. These unique pups have one characteristic that stands out time and time again - they are huge! So what is one to do with a dog the size of a small horse? How can you keep your Irish Wolfhound happy day in and day out? It is actually quite simple. While dominant in size, Irish Wolfhounds are actually very passive, friendly and lovable dogs that are easily trained. These activities are catered to fit just such a pup!

Indoor Play

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Any Day
1 hr
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Chew Toys
Tennis Balls
Muffin Tin
Activity description

Irish Wolfhounds do need a good deal of exercise but not as much as a hunting or racing breed. Your dog will be happy with a nice walk or a few hours in a fenced in yard each day. That being said, Irish Wolfhounds are not recommended as apartment dogs as they do truly thrive with that outdoor time that living in a home with a yard provides. So, what can you do to entertain your pup when you just aren’t able to bring the outside? You know they need exercise but maybe it is pouring outside or the extremely hot temperatures of summer have hit. Your Irish Wolfhound needs your help to stay busy and these games will certainly keep them happy!

Stair run
If you have access to a set of stairs then you have a perfect place to exercise your Irish Wolfhound inside. Start at the top of a stairwell and throw a ball down the stairs which will cause your Wolfhound to chase after it. Then, they will run it back up the stairs to you! A stair workout is sure to tire your Irish Wolfhound in a very good way!
Muffin tin
Place a muffin tin on the ground and put a few of your dog's favorite treats inside the muffin cup holes. Cover the holes with tennis balls and let your Irish Wolfhound go! They will need to use their brain and their big paws to get at the treats which is easier said than done!
Chew it
Irish Wolfhounds like to chew, so give your big pup something satisfying to chew on. Each dog will have their own preferences when it comes to chew toys. Give your pup a few options (rawhide, a soft dental chew or a rubber Kong may be your big dogs favorite).


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1 hr
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While you know how gentle and friendly your big Irish Wolfhound is, other people may not. In fact, you may have found that people are intimidated by your dog's massive stature and many may be naturally afraid of them due to their large presence. Training your dog to be friendly toward strangers and also toward other dogs is very important. Not only will it put other people at ease but your Irish Wolfhound will also be better off when others approach them with kindness rather than fear. Socializing your dog from a very young age (before they tower over everyone!) is very important to put them on a path toward a happy life. 

Pup friends
When your Irish Wolfhound is very young, makes sure they are around other dogs as often as possible. While this breed does not tend to be dominant and is happy to just play and follow other pups, getting them accustomed to all types of different dogs is necessary. Dog parks and dog playgrounds are a great place to start socializing your dog.
People friends
Bring your Irish Wolfhound around your family and friends frequently. Just being around people will cause your pup to trust humans and not be fearful or aggressive toward them. Have your friends pet your dog often and also give your pup commands just as you would so that your Irish Wolfhound learns to listen to others as well as to you.
Look friendly
Train your Irish Wolfhound to sit while you are talking to another person. When a new person sees you with such a big dog, they may be wary to approach you. However, if they see your dog sitting calmly beside you, they will feel more at ease. This will also help your Irish Wolfhound feel better as dogs can sense a person's nervous energy - make it go away before that energy can begin!

Therapy Dogs

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Any Day
2 hrs
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Activity description

Irish Wolfhounds make excellent therapy dogs thanks to their easily trainable nature, their lovable and calm personality and their amazing appearance. Many studies have shown that petting a dog greatly helps people who may have physical or mental issues. Interaction with a dog can help lower blood pressure and improve overall cardiovascular health as well. Dogs also help people's body release endorphins which makes them feel calm. Wouldn't it be great to be able to use your Irish Wolfhound's natural ability to do all of these things? Helping your Irish Wolfhound become a therapy dog is an amazing activity that you can both participate in. It will help you feel good, others in need feel better, and your pup will get some extra attention!

Find a course
Look for therapy dog classes in your area. There are many centers which will help you train your dog through a series of courses in order to certify them. Sign up for a course of individual classes and bring your Irish Wolfhound in! Classes will revolve mainly around socializing your Irish Wolfhound and exposing them to a variety of scenarios, teaching them to always remain calm and happy.
Do homework
While you are taking classes to get your pup certified to be a therapy dog, remember to continue training at home. Your dog even may get real homework to complete! Practice what you learn in class (calming tools, personal interactions) to make sure your pup aces their final test.
Schedule visits
Once your dog is certified as a therapy dog, find places that would like you and your Irish Wolfhound to visit. Hospitals, children's centers, libraries and schools are good places to start looking. Make your dog a regular at these locations as people are sure to get excited and cheer up the second they see such a big pup lumber in!

More Fun Ideas...

One on One Time

While Irish Wolfhounds do need some time outside every day to stretch their legs, this is not an outdoor breed. In fact, your Irish Wolfhound will love nothing more than to cuddle with you on the couch or play a few light games like tug inside.

Dog Food

Make your own dog food that is catered toward what your Irish Wolfhound likes. This breed tends to have a good deal of medical complications so homemade food may help your pup live a healthier life.


It is sad that the Irish Wolfhounds average lifespan is not very long. Why not make your dog's life a fabulous one while you have them? Give them lots of space to roam, meet up with friends often so your pup can play with other dogs and think about ways you and your dog can make the world a better place (therapy dogs do make a big difference!). This dog is so unique and special which means you are lucky to have such an amazing breed! Go give that big pup a hug!