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Jagdterriers have a great deal of energy, stamina, and a serious drive to hunt. They are known not only for their ability to go to ground after fox like many other terrier breeds but also their skill at tracking, particularly blood tracking and their strong desire to retrieve. The fast-paced canine sport of Flyball takes fetch to a higher level with teams of four dogs who each race down a flyball track relay-style. The tracks used in flyball include several hurdles, which are based on the height of the shortest dog on the team, and a flyball box, which the dog activates to get a tennis ball to retrieve. Joining a team has an expense, but is affordable and allows your dog socialization along with the exercise.
Looking for a free activity that will offer your clever dog a mental challenge? The bark of the Jagdterrier is a loud, penetrating sound, meant to be able to be heard by hunters over long distances when the dog has reached their quarry. While this is a helpful trait in the field, it can be quite distressing at home, especially as they are not shy about giving voice if they feel like anything at all is out of the ordinary. Although it may seem counterintuitive, one of the most effective techniques for training your dog to quickly quiet down is to first teach them a command to bark on cue, then teach them a command to quiet down.
The Jagdterrier is a fearless dog which was developed to be an excellent tracker along with their other helpful hunting skills, a skill which in some cases makes them eligible to assist as a Search and Rescue animal as well, although they are smaller than most. Search and rescue dogs do need to be non-aggressive towards both people and other canines and as Jagdterrier dogs are not always particularly friendly towards other canines, early and consistent intensive socialization is key. The training for search and rescue dogs, while based on positive, reward-based methods, is also extremely consistent, which is helpful when working with this breed of dog.