Activities For Large Dogs In The House

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Big dogs are great. They are powerful, yet so nice to cuddle. They can make you feel secure and protected even if they are really just big balls of mush. However, having a big dog comes with the need for big spaces. If they are stuck inside for too long, a big dog can go stir crazy (just like anyone!). It is important to have activities on hand for your big dog in case you are unable to bring them outside to play and exercise. So whether there is rain in the forecast or you will just be gone all day, set your big dog up for some big fun with one of these activities.

Stair Master

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Any Day
15 min
Items needed
Ball or Toy
Activity description

Big dogs are exactly that, big. This can make it a challenge for them to get sufficient exercise when stuck inside the house. While little dogs can easily play fetch in a small room, a big dog will not be able to run or move much when in a confined space. However, don't worry! Your big pup is about to get the workout of their life! Stairs are the answer to tire that pup out while having fun. You will have to play this game with your dog as someone will need to throw the ball. Two people will make this game even more fun so grab a friend, your pup and head to the stairs!

Find a toy
Get a ball or your dog's favorite toy to fetch - a rope toy or squeaky toy will also work great. Get your big dog excited to play and go over to the stairs in your house. If you live in an apartment, the stairwell of your building will work great as well (multiple floors!!).
Down and up
Start at the top of the stairs with your big dog and throw the ball down for them. Watch as your pup rumbles down the stairs, excitedly chasing their favorite toy. Call them back up the stairs and grab the ball from them. Throw it down again and repeat forever!
Get a friend
If your dog isn't that into returning the ball once they have caught it, have someone stand at the bottom of the stairs to throw the ball back up to you. It will be like monkey in the middle with your pup running back and forth. Such a good workout! Your big dog is sure to be tired after this game! Keep an eye on their fatigue level as you play; you don't want them to become lame or injured. This is a wonderful activity but the length of time you play will depend on your canine pal's fitness level.

Commanding Workout

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Any Day
20 min
Items needed
Activity description

Not only is this game perfect for getting big dogs some exercise when stuck inside but it also is a great way to train your pup. With this activity, your dog will learn the names of certain places in your house while having fun chasing you and working for treats. You can play this game anytime you and your pup need to stretch your legs and run. Just a warning that this is also a workout for you as well! So get your running shoes ready and a bunch of treats or dog food in your pockets, this training is about to get real.

Treat teaser
Get a lot of treats ready (and we mean a lot, you will want to play this game for a long time in order for it to be effective) and call your pup over. Give them one treat to start the game off an show them that you have the good stuff in your pockets.
Chase me!
Have your dog sit while you run to the couch and put some treats down. Yell "couch!" as you put he treats down and call your dog. As your pup runs to the couch to claim their prize, you run to the next room, put some treats on the bed and yell "bed!". As your dog runs to the bed, you run to the dog food bowl, throw some treats in and yell "bowl!".
Learning things
Your dog will follow you from place to place, learning the name of each location as they go. Start the game with just three places and keep repeating them until you are tired. Couch, bed, bowl…couch, bed, bowl… Your dog will learn the names quickly as he runs around chomping away at his favorite food!

Hide and Seek

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Any Day
15 min
Items needed
Activity description

While it may be tricky for a big dog to run around the house, they can certainly use their nose to sniff a path to a hidden treat! Hide and seek is a perfect game for a big dog either alone or to play with you. The game can also be set up to take as long as you'd like, from 10 minutes to hours! You can also choose to hide toys, treats or hide yourself for your pup to find! Such a customizable game is perfect for indoor play and your dog will never get bored of searching for their favorite things. 

Pick a treasure
Choose something to hide. You can hide your dog's favorite treats which will be especially easy for a first time hide and seek player. Your pup can use their powerful sniffer to search for the hidden treasure! Toys are also perfect to hide or you can hide and call your dog when you are ready to be found.
Find it
Let your dog know that you are hiding things around the house. Show your pooch the treat or toy and tell them to sit and stay while you hide. Release your dog and watch them search for the prize! Cheer and pet your dog when they find the object that was hidden.
It's getting tricky
Make the game harder and harder as your dog gets use to playing. Hide treats under toys so that it is a challenge for your dog to get to them. Hide multiple treats or toys to make the game last longer. Keep switching it up to make the game fresh, new and fun for your dog every time.

More Fun Ideas...

Peanut Butter Kong

Fill a kong-like toy with peanut butter and leave it for your pup to tackle. Licking peanut butter out of the center of the toy will take quite a while and be an enjoyable process for your pup.

Puzzle Toys

Puzzle toys are great for dogs of any size as they dispense treats as the dog plays with the toy. This is a perfect way to keep a big dog entertained while home alone.


Just because your dog is big doesn't mean they can't have fun inside the house. There are so many games you can play with your pup or activities that your dog can do alone despite their size and the size of your house. Be creative and set up games for your dog daily - you will notice how happy your pup will be when they are being entertained!