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The stunning Mali-Dutchie combines the genes of the Belgian Malinois and Dutch Shepherd into one hybrid pup. The combination results in a large breed characterized by herding instincts and an eagerness to please their owners. The Mali-Dutchie has two highly intelligent parents, making it a bright pooch with lots of "pawtential."
Weighing between 60 to 65 pounds, the Belgian Malinois is a high-energy breed that requires regular mental and physical exercise. Like the Dutch Shepherd, the Belgian Malinois would not be satisfied as a "lazy" house dog; they need to tackle challenges regularly. The Dutch Shepherd is less known than the Belgian Malinois, but they are equally hard-working. Both the Belgian Malinois and the Dutch Shepherd belong to the herding group, which explains their high energy level and need to work. As a result, the Mali-Dutchie requires regular, daily stimulation to keep their brains and bodies busy, and without it, they may turn to destructive behaviors.
Obedience training is an activity that you can use daily to stimulate your Mali-Duchie's mind, while simultaneously working their bodies. The purpose of obedience training is to teach your dog the norms of social interactions as well as teaching them control and your behavior expectations.
Teaching your pup how to follow commands will help your pup stay calm in a variety of social situations. Obedience training also strengthens the bond you have with your dog while providing them with much-needed mental stimulation. You should begin training your Mali-Dutchie as early as "pawssible" and continue their lessons throughout their life. The only materials you need for this activity are a leash and treats. Your sessions can range from 15 to 60 minutes, depending on whether you're first introducing a command or just refreshing it with a follow-up session.
The Mali-Dutchie is highly intelligent and responsive, which is why their brains need regular stimulation. Using brain games is a fun and convenient way to get your Mali-Duchie thinking. There are plenty of games you can play with your pooch both indoors and out which require minimal materials.
Treasure hunt and hide-and-seek are similar in nature because they both require your dog to do some detective work. With the game of treasure hunt, your Mali-Dutchie will search for hidden objects such as their favorite toy. Hide-and-seek with your Mali is the same as with a child, where you hide and they need to seek you out! Finally, toy tidy-up is a fun game that puts your pup's intelligence to the test. Explore each game with your Mali-Dutchie to find what they like best, and alternate between the activities to diversify their exercise schedule. You can play from any between 15 minutes to an hour, depending on their interest level that day.
One way to ensure your Mali-Dutchie gets a walk daily, regardless of the weather outside, is by using a treadmill for training. This is easy if you already own a treadmill. If you don't own one, you will need to purchase one for this activity or find a facility which allows dogs to use treadmills. (Canine rehabilitation centers are always a good bet.)
Once you have access to a treadmill, you will need to use conditioning to teach your dog how to use it. You can incorporate these sessions into your obedience training. After your dog has learned how to use the treadmill, it's easy to incorporate the activity into their daily schedule to improve their endurance and maintain a healthy weight.
Mali-Dutchies are large dogs that are highly intelligent, responsive and capable. Without daily stimulation, this breed will become bored and can exhibit destructive behaviors. If you plan to own a Mali-Dutchie, or already do, you need to invest at least two hours daily to provide them with mental and physical stimulation.
You can easily accomplish this by combining a variety of activities throughout their day. For example, work your pooch with some morning obedience lessons and then allow them to exert any excess energy by completing a backyard agility course or taking a run on the treadmill. Challenge them with a brain game in the afternoon, such as hide-and-seek, treasure hunt, or toy tidy-up. Tracking is another activity that works both their bodies and minds. Nourish your Mali-Dutchie's intelligence and physical ability by providing them with ample outlets and activities to explore each day.