Prepare for unexpected vet bills
The old adage “small but terrible” is the perfect definition for the Miniature Pinscher. Often referred to as “the King of the Toys”, the Mini Pinscher (also playfully referred to as “Min Pin”) is a German dog breed that was developed from the Dachshund and German Pinscher. What Min Pins lack in size, they more than make up for in their ferociousness. In fact, this little fellow is known to be quite aggressive and fierce, especially towards strangers. Despite their slightly assertive nature, however, this breed is can be extremely loving and sweet. Equipped with a great sense of humor, a bouncy temperament and the right amount of gutsiness, the Mini Pinscher is a lovely dog to have as a pet.
Disc dog is a relatively new sport that has gained a nearly cult-like following among dogs and their owners. Similar to Frisbee, this sport involves the dog catching a disc that was thrown and returning it to the owner or handler. You might think that this is only suitable for big dogs due to all the movement involved. However, even toy breeds such as the Miniature Pinscher can get in on the fun. The Min Pin is quite athletic and intelligent, which is why the breed is perfect for the game. Aside from it being a fun activity, disc dog also reinforces the strong connection and understanding between owner and dog.
Obedience training is one of the basic activities recommended by dog experts and pet owners. This activity is not only extremely practical, it also helps you develop a potent connection between you and your pup. The ideal time to start this type of training is when your dog is two months of age. Just like humans, dogs are more submissive and can pick up instructions more easily during their youth. Mini Pinschers excel in obedience training because they have a compliant nature. Moreover, they are a smart breed and can easily learn new things that are being taught to them.
Going on a bike ride is not only fun but also beneficial for your overall cardiovascular health. It is a good form of exercise that is more exciting than other cardio workouts such as running. However, owners sometimes feel guilty putting on their helmets and going out to have some fun while their loyal furry friend stays at home. Make your bike rides more entertaining by bringing your dog with you. Because Mini Pinschers are small, you can easily take them for a ride using some supplementary equipment. A bike ride is a great opportunity to exercise while spending an important bonding moment with your pooch.
Mini Pinschers may be active and hyper but they also have some days where they would like to relax. Don’t forget to treat your pooch every now and then by going to a doggy day care or spa. Most of these places have a variety of impressive facilities that were exclusively made for dogs. The most common services include grooming, pet massage, agility training, swimming and a whole lot more.
Mini Pinschers need a good amount of exercise in order to stay healthy and fit. Sometimes, all you have to do is keep it simple and just go for a regular walk. This activity may be basic but it is one that is thoroughly enjoyed by Min Pins. A 30-minute long walk around the park or in your neighborhood is more than enough to satisfy your dog’s need for stimulation.
When it comes to taking care of Miniature Pinschers, owners have to find a balance between active and lazing around. The breed can be hyperactive at times, but they also need some downtime to just chill and spend time with their humans. These abovementioned activities are great suggestions for when you are brainstorming for the perfect bonding time with your Mini Pinscher.