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Canine freestyle dance is a relatively new activity that first gained notice in the 1980s, with the first official Canine Freestyle Dance organization being founded in British Columbia in 1991. A human and canine team perform a carefully choreographed routine to music incorporating dramatic tricks and specialized heelwork. The routines can range from simple to complex and can be either dramatic or humorous. The Nederlandse Kooikerhondje is a devoted and intelligent little canine who is also very trainable, and the natural grace that this little dog utilizes to lure ducks into the traps can also make them a fantastic performer. Prices for training will be in the moderate range or you can choose to go the DIY route ar home with you as the trainer, making this an affordable year-round activity.
Dock diving is a dog sport that was introduced in 1997 during the Incredible Dog Challenge, in which a target is either suspended out over a long pool or flung far out into it, and the dog runs to the end of a thirty-five to forty foot dock and jump of in pursuit of it. Dogs are competing to make either the longest or highest leap in order to pursue the target. The sport has grown in popularity since it was first introduced, and there are several Dock Dog groups that offer opportunities to showcase your dog’s talent and athleticism. Nederlandse Kooikerhondjes are typically very comfortable in the water and can easily be taught to chase and retrieve a target.
While Barn Hunt is traditionally seen as the territory of terriers and other dogs specifically developed for their pest control abilities, any dog that can fit through the eighteen inch by around eighteen inch opening into the maze is eligible to try. The Kooikerhondje was frequently employed with keeping rats and mice out of the cages that the ducks were to be lured into and they have the instinct and drive to be competitive at this sport. This sport allows your companion animal to hunt rats in a barn-like setting, without actually harming any rats, as the rats that are used as bait are placed in special safety tubes and trained to be comfortable around dogs. Although there will be club fees, your Nederlandse Kooikerhondje will reap priceless benefits.