Prepare for unexpected vet bills
Norwegian Elkhound owners know that they are a bundle of energy and need a lot of exercise to keep them from climbing the walls and driving their families crazy. The Norwegian Elkhound is a medium-sized fluff ball that makes an excellent companion for families that are active. They are not ideal for apartment living or sedentary people. Due to their high energy levels, the Norwegian Elkhound is not recommended for new dog owners. Expect to take them on several daily walks and also at least one long run each day. The Norwegian Elkhound can become hyperactive and will become a problematic chewer if left alone with no outlet for their energy.
It can be great fun to gather up the entire family for a camping trip, whether it is only an overnight trip or a week-long adventure, your Norwegian Elkhound will enjoy spending time outdoors exploring the campgrounds. Since your Norwegian Elkhound is a higher energy dog, you may consider hiking into your campsite to help wear them down. If you are spending a few days at the campsite, plan activities that allow your dog a chance to expel their energy so they do not become problematic for you and other campers. It is, of course, best to camp in sunny, warm weather. Camping can be expensive if you do not already have the necessary equipment such as tent, backpacks, cook stove, first aid kit, and chairs. You will probably need to invest in a backpack for your Norwegian Elkhound, a long lunge line to help keep your dog from wandering too far, and dog food and fresh water along with collapsible bowls.
a Nordic breed, the Norwegian Elkhound loves cold weather and being in the
snow. Next time the weatherman is predicting snow for your area, get ready to
spend time outside tossing snowballs and making snow angels with your dog. They
will love wallowing in the powdery white stuff and expelling some of their pent
up energy. Be sure to keep your phone handy to snap some cute photos of your Norwegian
Elkhound playing in the snow to post to your social media account. It is free
and easy to play in the snow, you just need to bundle up tightly and drag out
some toys your dog loves.
Who does not enjoy spending time at the beach and soaking up the sunshine? Even Nordic breeds such as the Norwegian Elkhound can find the beach entertaining. However, since they do have a double coat, playing in the sun can be dangerous if they are not closely monitored. The beach is best enjoyed in sunny weather; however, your Norwegian Elkhound may find an overcast day more to their liking. It is cheap and easy to spend time with your dog at the beach. Make sure you pack a care package for your dog for their beach visit including fresh water, a collapsible bowl, and toweling. If you know there will be no shade available for your dog be sure to bring an umbrella or some type of shade covering.
Norwegian Elkhounds are high energy and very smart dogs that need an outlet for all that energy. They also need a way to work their minds and keep them sharp. Trick training is a way for them to work their minds, perform tasks for you, and expel some of their energy. Even though the Norwegian Elkhound can be a stubborn dog, they do still want to please their owner and will work for their favorite treat. Start slow and be consistent when doing trick training and before long you will be wowing your family and friends with the neat tricks your dog can do.
Therapy work is different from service work. A therapy dog is providing comfort
whereas a service dog is performing a specific service for a person. It is easy
to train your Norwegian Elkhound to be a therapy dog, they just need to know
basic obedience and be calm enough to sit and let people pet them. Some people
will want to hug your fur ball so be sure you have worked with them to allow
strangers to hug them. The American Kennel Club (AKC) offers a therapy dog
program and your dog can earn titles in therapy work depending on the number of
visits they make.
A Norwegian Elkhound must have a lot of daily interaction with people and have plenty of opportunities to stretch their legs and run. If you have a fenced yard, spend time in the yard with your Norwegian Elkhound tossing a ball and having them run and play. You should also take several short walks with your Norwegian Elkhound each day to help wear them out. Inactive Norwegian Elkhounds can become a huge problem for their owners. They will become chewers and will become unmanageable with severe behavior problems.