Activities For Pomimos

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The Pomimo is a hybrid breed that combines the Pomeranian with the American Eskimo, two fluffy and friendly parent breeds. Pomimos are playful, outgoing and affectionate towards all family members, including children. They're attentive and responsive, likely to notify you of any visitors by barking! This loving pup needs lots of exercise daily, to burn off excess energy as they're full of it, which they get from both parent breeds. 

Pomeranians are adorable, amiable and devoted to their family. These tiny pups weigh only approximately five pounds, though they're bold, bouncy and playful. Likewise, the American Eskimo is a loving companion who needs daily exercise. This breed is larger and comes in three sizes -- toy, miniature and standard -- though all types have the same fun personality. They're eager to please, obedient and they love the outdoors, even during the cold months! Keeping that in mind, the Pomimo is a tiny bundle of energy who requires moderate exercise daily that challenges them both mentally and physically! 

Obedience Lessons

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Any Day
30 - 60 min
Items needed
Activity description

Obedience training is something that can be done in the home regularly, with sessions ranging between 30 to 60 minutes in length. Obedience training will strengthen the bond between you and your pup, as it will teach them their place in the pack. You don't need a professional for obedience training, but exploring and learning how to deploy different training techniques is essential! 

Review the basics of training including the equipment you need and the essentials of conditioning and leading. Once you have an understanding of how to train your pup, begin regular lessons in the home that focus on one command to start. After learning a skill, frequently revisit it using short refresher sessions. After learning the basics, you can turn obedience lessons into fun games that implement the learned skills. 

Learning the basics
To be an effective leader, you must be firm, confident and consistent. Using punishment and showing anger will prevent your Pomimo from respecting you as a leader. Be firm when you give a command and once followed, use rewards (both physical and verbal) to enforce behaviors to continue. After your pup acquires a new skill, treats will not be necessary, just use praise. When you first introduce a command, use the leading technique to teach your pup the wanted behavior.
Leading with treats
Leading is one of the most common training techniques used by handlers. Leading involves maneuvering a treat in certain directions to elicit a specific behavioral response. To use leading, give a command, then move the treat to get your pooch into the wanted position. When in the position, repeat the command and then reward your pooch. Leading is only necessary until a dog learns the behavior associated with a specific command.
Using positive reinforcement
Always using some form of positive reinforcement is essential for behavioral repetition. Whether you decide to use verbal praise, petting or a treat, recognize your pooch as soon as they respond accurately to a command. By doing so, you will reinforce the behavior and the association between the word and action. Always use reinforcement, even when your pup is a veteran and know every command.
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"Oppawtunities" to Socialize

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Any Day
30 - 60 min
Items needed
Activity description

Socialization is an essential part of healthy development for dogs, just as it is for humans. That being said, there are many ways you can integrate opportunities for socialization into your Pomimo's weekly routines and schedule. 

For starters, visiting your local dog park will guarantee your pooch has a chance to interact with others. In addition to a dog park, you can also arrange activity dates and sleepovers with another dog companion, providing the conditions for a deeper bond to form. Going for a daily walk is another way to run into other dogs living in the area, though this may not always lead to play time. With a variety of activities to choose from, you can pick the socialization method that best suits your schedule your pup's personality! 

Visiting your local dog park
Fortunately, many municipalities have their very own dog park. Almost all dog parks are fenced-in and separated into two areas, one for large dogs and one for small breed dogs. Stick with the small breed area for your Pomimo. Dog parks allow pups to roam off-leash, giving them plenty of "oppawtunities" to socialize. It's likely that regular visits will lead to you running into the same dog, allowing for friendships to develop.
Arranging a play date
If you have a friend or family member who owns a pooch, arrange a play date to give your dogs a chance to get to know one another. As long as the other dog is friendly towards unknown dogs, size shouldn't matter. A dog relatively close in size to a Pomimo would be ideal, as they can wrestle without any worry of injury! Arrange your playdates regularly and if you're comfortable with the idea, host a sleepover. A sleepover will allow for more intimate bonding, which goes beyond just running and playing!
Going for a walk
Walking your dog is the simplest way to come across another pooch, especially if you live in a densely populated area. If you're in a country setting, this may not be the case, and activity one or two would be a better option. When walking in an urban area, you can cross paths with other walkers, giving your pooch a chance for a short interaction. Stopping by a "pawpular" dog spot like a nearby park will encourage more interactions, which could lead to playing. Include walks daily in your pup's exercise schedule and be on the lookout for potential socializers!
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Teaching them How to "Skip"

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Sunny Day
15 - 30 min
Items needed
Skipping Rope
Activity description

Believe it or not, many dogs have been taught to jump rope, including American Eskimo breeds. That's why it's a good idea to introduce skipping or jump rope to your Pomimo. Pomimos are energetic and bouncy, which skipping is the "pawfect" outlet for! 

Grab a regular skipping rope from your local department or dollar store. This is the only material you'll need for the activity. If you're training how to skip, treats will go a long way in reinforcing your "jump" command. Find an area large enough for swinging around the rope. Before all that, though, teach your Pomimo how to jump using your obedience training sessions before you get started! 

Learning how to jump
Start this activity during your obedience sessions. After mastering the basic commands, move onto the jump command. This command will come in handy for a variety of activities in addition to skipping, such as agility training. Pomimos are bouncy by nature, so this shouldn't take long. Begin by standing in front of your dog. Using leading, quickly move the treat upward while simultaneously giving the "jump" command. Repeat until they jump and reward with a treat immediately. Practice this using multiple sessions before moving on.
Practicing repeated jumps
After your Pomimo knows how to jump, build up their endurance by practicing jumping up and down multiple times in a row. Begin with short repetitions, such as three jumps spaced out a second apart, and increase your repetitions. Aim to reach ten. Building endurance is mandatory for your pup to be able to skip as skipping requires repetitive jumping.
Introducing the skipping rope
With the jump and endurance, your pup is ready to meet the rope. You can choose to skip in one of two ways. Either by skipping yourself, with your dog standing in front of you, or by "helicoptering" the rope along the ground for your pup to jump over. You may want to start with the helicopter method. Like in step two, introduce the jumps over the rope using small repetitions, and build on them as your pooch progress. With lots of practice, your pup can show off their talent by skipping for spectators!
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More Fun Ideas...

Carting Activities

American Eskies have a history of pulling, so take advantage of this instinct and skill by making it into a game. Teach your pooch how to pull a cart or wagon using a harness. They may not be strong enough to pull you, but carting other objects is a great way to work your Pomimo physically and mentally. 

Brain Games

Try out one of the many brain games you can play indoors including Hide-and-Seek or object search. Both games can be played quickly and spontaneously and they require your pup to use their tracking skills. 


With a busy and bouncy personality, there are plenty of ways for you to work your Pomimo mentally and physically. Incorporate an hour of activities into your Pomimo's daily schedule either consecutively, or by breaking it down into different activities.

For instance, you can combine 20 minutes of brain games with a short refresher obedience session after visiting the dog park for a half hour, all in the same day! Include regular opportunities to socialize by alternating walking with playdates and dog park visits. Other ways to work your Pomimo physically include carting or skipping lessons. Varying the activities you explore and being consistent with exercising your Pomimo will foster healthy development and of course, keep them satisfied.