Activities For Prazsky Krysariks

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The PraĹžskĂ˝ Krysaříkm while similar in looks to a Chihuahua, is the smallest breed of dog in the world and commonly found in the Czech Republic. Widely known as Prague Ratters, they make faithful and loyal lap dogs, are not as ‘yappy’ as other small dogs, and are also exceptionally intelligent. While they enjoy curling up on your lap, they are also happy to go for long walks, play a game of fetch, learn new tricks, or lounge around your house or apartment. In essence, they are an excellent option for apartment dwellers or homeowners looking for a lovable yet small dog that’s both low maintenance and has a lot of loyalty to give. If you own a PraĹžskĂ˝ Krysaříkm and want to provide them with the best life possible, here are a few activities you can do together. 


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Any Day
1 hr
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When you bring your Prague Ratter home as a puppy, the first thing you need to do is train them. While it can typically be hard work to provide training for a new dog, you will find the intelligence of this breed makes it a far more straightforward process. Therefore, there’s no time like the present to get started. All you need is treats, and you can carry out this activity in any weather. When you’re training your Prague Ratter, ensure you have the patience to do so. Repetition is crucial, and you will need to offer positive praise whenever they do what you ask. Below are some steps to help master the basics. 

Gather the treats
When you’re trying to teach your pampered pooch basic commands, you are going to need to have plenty of treats on-hand. However, making sure they’re the right treats is equally as important. Where possible, opt for healthy human treats such as pieces of apple, or break up dog snacks into smaller pieces. Training takes time, and you don’t want to over-indulge them on top of feeding them their everyday dinner.
Begin with the basics
For your dog’s safety and your sanity, teaching your Prague Ratter the basics such as sit, stay, heel, come, and lie down is crucial. You benefit from a more well-behaved dog, and your pampered pooch will know what you expect. Rather than skip right to the more complex commands, it’s better for both you and your furry friend to learn ‘sit’ first. From learning this straightforward command, your dog will quickly adapt to other requests. Given that the Prague Ratter is a brilliant breed, you may find that they master these basics far quicker than dogs you’ve had in the past.
Know the process
The first step to training your Pražský Krysaříkm is to keep them in a confined space. The fewer the distractions, the better. You will then need to stand in front of them, revealing the treat, then slowly moving your hand behind their head. The motion should be enough to make them sit down – but it may take quite a few goes. As they sit, firmly say ‘sit’ before delivering on your promise of a treat. Be sure to keep an eye on their attention levels. You may find your Pražský Krysaříkm needs a break in between learning.

Dog Park

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Sunny Day
1 hr
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Doggy waste bag
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When you get a PraĹžskĂ˝ Krysaříkm, you will soon learn that socialization is crucial. If you don’t introduce them to new friends when they’re young, they can quickly run into “small dog syndrome” problems, where they try to dominate other dogs that want to be their friend. While Prague Ratters are not yappy in comparison to Chihuahuas and other small breeds, they can be when you don’t train them to share their territory. When the sun is shining, grab a leash, a toy, and a doggy waste bag, and head to your local dog park. The younger the dog, the better socialized they will be when they’re older. 

Find a suitable park
Considering that the Prague Ratter is the smallest breed of dog in the world, it’s crucial to do your research on dog parks. While some separate the run areas by large and small breeds, others don’t. While your pup is sure to socialize well with dogs of all sizes, their stature means they’re more at risk of injury. A large dog doesn’t know its strength or weight, so making sure you put them with smaller breeds is the safer option.
Get acquainted
Once you’re at the park, introduce your dog to the small dog run while they’re still on the leash. Walk them around, let them meet other dogs, and allow them to smell all the lovely new scents. While your pup is sure to find the dog park is a fun environment, it may take a little adjustment. Therefore, both you and your furry friend are bound to feel a bit more secure when you can control where they go, and they know you’re by their side.
Get involved
Once your pup is well acquainted with their surroundings, it’s time to let them off their leash. Let your dog play, run, and bound around with other similar-sized dogs, and include toys in the mix as well. Bring a small ball for your pup to play with, and introduce the sharing aspect of play as well. If other dogs are happy to join in with your game of fetch, your dog is bound to have a lot of fun, while making new friends in the process.


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Sunny Day
1 hr
Items needed
Doggy waste bag
Activity description

Don’t let the small stature of your furry friend deceive you into thinking the PraĹžskĂ˝ Krysaříkm doesn’t require exercise. Even though they may only be between two and six pounds in weight, they still love to walk as much as you do – and need the activity to stay out of trouble. A bored Prague Ratter is a destructive and naughty puppy, and you’re bound to experience this first hand if you don’t take them on a long walk at least once per day – if not more. When the sun is out, or even if it’s not, grab your pup’s leash and get going. You’ll find they needed a walk more than you think. 

Select a route
Even though a Pražský Krysaříkm only has short legs, a quick walk around the block isn’t going to cut it. With so much energy, they need plenty of physical and mental stimulation to keep them occupied. Therefore, don’t be afraid to sets your sights on larger areas such as parks and dog-friendly walking tracks. You will want to set aside at least an hour per day to walk your pampered pooch, so find a route that caters to this requirement.
Go walking
With leash and doggy waste bag in hand, it’s time to hit the road. Even if you’re new to owning the Pražský Krysaříkm breed, you will soon learn they have an acute sense of smell and a desire to burn off that pent-up energy. While it’s important to let your pup know you’re in control of the walk, there’s no harm in allowing them to stop to enjoy smells, before heading off once more. A long walk for your dog is more than fitness; it’s also a visual, sensory and mental experience. All these components work together to provide your dog with the full package – while tiring them out in the process.

More Fun Ideas...

Litter Box Training

A PraĹžskĂ˝ Krysaříkm makes the perfect pet for those who live in apartments. They’re small, easy to train, and don’t require large lawn area either. However, some Prague Ratter owners have even managed to train their dog to use the litter box. While it might take some trial and error – or it might not happen at all – it’s worth a try if you have spare time. They benefit from mental stimulation and, if you happen to succeed, you get the bonus of not having to leave your high-rise building for toilet stops. 

Game of Fetch

While you might think that little dogs can’t play a game of fetch, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Your Prague Ratter will love the game, but you may need to be more selective with your toy choices. Rather than opt for a giant, cumbersome frisbee that may be bigger than your furry friend, you may wish to instead select a small rubber ball not dissimilar from its jaw size. You can play fetch in your apartment, your home, or a backyard. Not only are you spending time bonding with your pup, but they’re getting that much-needed exercise in the process. 


A Prague Ratter is a deceiving dog in the respect that they thrive on exercise, love, and attention. The more you give them, the more they want. Therefore, they are a loyal and loving pup you’d be happy to own. However, if you don’t have time for exercise, then be prepared for a naughty dog to take the place of your once angelic pup. Get started on the right paw by including fun activities and exercise in your dog’s routine right from the beginning.