Activities For Pregnant Dogs

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When your dog becomes pregnant, whether intentionally or not, you need to make sure that they are safe and comfortable throughout their pregnancy period until the day your dog gives birth. While it may seem like a daunting task, taking care of a pregnant dog can be achieved with some patience and proper knowledge. Remember that there are many factors that could affect your dog’s pregnancy; you need to have a good understanding of these factors in order to successfully care for your pooch. Generally, activities for pregnant dogs should be limited and supervised. The following are some of the top activity ideas that your pregnant dog can do. 

Walk and Move

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Sunny Day
10 - 15 min
Items needed
Doggy Waste Bags
Activity description

The common misconception when it comes to pregnant dogs is that they are not supposed to move or do some exercises. However, the early stages of pregnancy, particularly during the first 30 days, is actually a crucial time for you to take your dog on walks. A short 10 to 15-minute walk done once or twice per day is recommended for your pregnant pooch. This is because the dog’s muscle tone can impact the pregnancy and the birthing process. Your dog would have to be strong enough to carry the weight of the pups inside them. Don’t forget that there would be at least two puppies per litter and giving birth to multiple pups can be exhausting for a mother dog. Thus, exercise should be part of your dog’s regular routine.  

Go to a nearby dog park
When walking your pregnant dog, you need to find a nice spot where there is a lot of space. The environment should also be pleasant and not stressful for your dog. Having said that, the best place to go to for your walk is in a dog park. Here, dogs are widely accepted and there are designated areas for walking.
Go strolling
When you get to the park of your choice, put your dog on a leash and go on your walk. It is important that you go at a pace at which your dog is comfortable. Make sure that your dog does not exert too much effort. Keep your walks brief and give your dog some water in between your walks. The daily walks of your dog should be shortened according to how far along they are in their pregnancy.
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Play Catch

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Sunny Day
15 to 30 min
Items needed
Activity description

As already mentioned, pregnant dogs still need to engage in regular exercise activity, especially during the first 30 days of their pregnancy. Another activity that your dog can do during this period, one that is not that strenuous, is a game of catch. Your pregnant pooch needs to retain a good, healthy physique in order to have a healthy birthing process. By playing catch, you get your dog working without risking their pregnancy. Additionally, a game of catch is also a good form of entertainment for your companion. This is particularly fun for dogs who are used to an active lifestyle. 

Choose a toy to play with
A game of catch involves having your dog follow and catch a certain item that you threw. Some of the usual toys used in catch are tennis balls, chew toys or Frisbee discs. Choose which toy you would like your dog to use. Then, get your dog familiarized with the toy by letting them play with it.
Get your pooch moving
When your dog gets the hang of playing with the toy, get it and throw it away from your dog. Start with short distances and watch what your dog will do. If your dog is able to successfully retrieve the toy, give a treat as a reward. Repeat this process but throw the toy a bit further to get your dog moving around.
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Dog Massage

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Any Day
15 min
Items needed
Towel or blanket
Activity description

During the pregnancy period, it is important that your remains stress-free. This is because a pregnant dog can be extra sensitive. Aside from removing any possible stressors within your dog’s immediate environment, another effective way to relieve your dog from stress is by giving them a short doggy massage. Similar to the effect on humans, a massage can help make your dog calm and relaxed. Furthermore, a massage can help with any muscle pain or discomfort that your dog may be experiencing during the pregnancy. Having this intimate contact can also develop your closeness and overall relationship with your dog. 

Start with a light touch
The very basic level of a dog massage is the simple “laying of hands”. In this technique, you simply place your hands on your dog without exerting any pressure or making any movements. This technique will help warm your dog’s tissues and stimulate circulation.
Work on your dog's joints
Once your dog is comfortable, you can start to work on your dog’s joints. The most common way to execute a massage on your dog is by kneading and squeezing the area. You may also apply light circles around your dog’s joints using the palm of your hands. Focus on your pregnant dog’s joints and do not massage their back or belly. Also, a massage should not last more than 15 minutes.
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More Fun Ideas...

Indoor Games

When your dog is locked up in the house and unable to freely move, there is a tendency for them to get bored. Help your dog fight boredom throughout the pregnancy by buying some indoor games for them to play with. There are numerous puzzle games and indoor dog toys available in pet shops which your dog can play with while staying in.

Dine Together

Good health is essential for pregnant dogs. This does not just refer to exercise; proper nutrition is also crucial during this stage. Unfortunately, one of the side effects of pregnancy is loss of appetite. To ensure that your dog gets the right nourishment, have a meal together with your pooch. Ask your veterinarian about the recommended food for your pregnant dog and make sure that they consume whatever is necessary for a healthy pregnancy. 


Pregnancy is one of the most challenging phases that your dog can go through. Hence, it is important that you handle the process properly and with utmost care. Do not neglect your dog’s needs and be sure that all their needs are met. Most importantly, plan regular checkups with your veterinarian to ensure a successful and healthy pregnancy.