While senior dogs may be past their prime, don't count them out for a good old time. In fact, it's important that you keep older dogs active in order to combat health problems that become much more dangerous with age. Admittedly, they won't have the same energy as in previous years, but that doesn't mean they don't want to relive their youth with fun and games. It's up to you to find appropriate activities that will suit your dog's age and interests. Who knows - you might even add a few years to your dog's life. Fetch and Frisbee might be out of the picture, but there's a whole world of light and relaxing activities that can still be done by your pet. Read on for activities appropriate to the fitness level and capabilities of senior dogs. There are a number of ways you can have a fun time with your old timer!
While you might not be able to go on full-fledged adventures with your senior dog, rest assured that you will still be able to find excellent activities to enjoy. Respect the limitations that older dogs may have with age, and remember they are still game to have fun! Exploring a variety of activities with your senior dog will not only improve health, but improve your bond. Never think that it's too late to play with your dog. You owe it to them to expand their horizons, no matter their age. While it's a sad thought that dogs don't live as long as humans, we must help them live their lives to the fullest. It's up to us to fill them with good memories at every age, and of course give them love that gives all lives meaning, no matter the number of years!