Activities For Shiba Inus

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Coming from the Spitz family that originated in Japan, the Shiba Inu is one of the country’s six ancient dog breeds (the other five being the Akita, Hokkaido, Kishu, Shikoku and Kai) and the smallest of all six. In fact, the breed’s name literally translates to “small dog”. Shibas were first developed to flush birds and small game in mountainous terrain. This is why they have a reputation for being alert and spunky, often being referred to as small “spark plugs”. While they may show a bit of spirit, Shibas have unconditional love for their owners and would like to be included in all family activities. At present, the Shiba Inu is a popular choice for a companion in both their native country of Japan and the United States.


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Sunny Day
1 hr
Items needed
Flotation vest
Activity description

If you are an adventure junkie who likes trying out various types of activities, then the Shiba Inu is a good match for you. Shibas are naturally athletic and always interested to try something new. A unique way to spend some bonding time with your pooch would be to go on a kayaking trip. While Shibas are not known for their swimming abilities, dogs are generally fond of water. Additionally, Shiba Inus are obedient and can stay still as you sail through a lake or river together. Kayaking is a fun and special way to introduce new sights and surroundings to your dog. 

Prepare your gear
To go on your kayaking trip, you should first prepare and pack up all the stuff that you will need for the trip. Remember that your dog’s safety should be on top of your priority list. Bring things that your dog will need, such as food, water and a flotation vest. Regardless of whether or not your Shiba can swim, a flotation device will help put your mind at ease in the event that your kayak capsizes.
Get your dog used to the kayak
If you have never tried to bring your dog kayaking with you, then do not expect that it will be smooth sailing right off the bat. If possible, you should take time to acclimate your Shiba Inu to the kayak that you plan to use on your trip. Set the kayak on dry land, preferably in your own yard, and let your dog sniff on it. Then, encourage your dog to get on the kayak. If they do not jump into the kayak on their own, carry your pooch into the kayak and reassure them using a positive tone.
Go on your kayak adventure
When you feel like you are ready to take your dog to the ultimate kayaking adventure, head down to the nearest lake or river. The ideal place to go kayaking with your dog is one where the water is flat and calm. Get your dog in the kayak and push it slowly into the water. Then, carefully get on the kayak and start rowing. Check your dog for any signs of anxiety or fear and stop as needed.

Outdoor Exploration

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Sunny Day
1 - 2 hrs
Items needed
Hiking pack
Collapsible bowl
First aid kit
Activity description

There’s a reason why a lot of outdoor-loving dog owners choose to own a Shiba Inu; this dog breed is quite adventurous and has high levels of energy to spare. Hiking is one of the best methods of exercise, not just for dogs but also for the owners; a long enough hike can keep your Shiba calm and quiet over the weekend. While most dogs might enjoy going on a hike, not all can manage life on the trail. The Shiba Inu, however, was made for outdoor exploring, having the ability and endurance to hike for up to 10 miles. They are also smart enough to guide themselves in and around the outdoors. Being out in the nature also helps stimulate your dog’s senses and allows you to spend some time together in a special setting. 

Essential prep
Preparation is crucial in any outdoor exploration, particularly if you plan to bring your dog with you. Bring food and water for both you and your pooch. A collapsible bowl and first aid kit is also a must. It would also be best to have some flea and tick control for your dog. Finally, do not forget to bring a harness or leash for your Shiba.
Choose an area to discover
To explore the outdoors, you would have to find an area that is new to your dog. Needless to say, the area that you will choose should be dog-friendly. You also have to familiarize yourself with the rules of the place and, if possible, ask for a map of the trail to prevent any mishaps or accidents.
Start exploring
When everything is set, you are good to go. Start hiking and exploring the area and stop every now and then to allow your Shiba to absorb and take in the surroundings. Also, take note that Shiba Inus are notorious for their prey drive, especially when they come across small game such as squirrels and rodents. Hence, it would be best to keep your dog leashed throughout your entire hike.

Ball Games

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Any Day
15 - 30 min
Items needed
Activity description

The Shiba Inu is known for being lively and attentive, a combination that would make for a perfect ball game partner. There is a wide variety of fun and appealing ball games that can be played with a Shiba Inu. What’s good about having different options is that you can keep things new and interesting for your dog. Try out a number of ball games, such as catch or soccer, and figure out which one your dog enjoys the most at that moment. Ball games are easy to play and can give your Shiba a good amount of physical and mental invigoration.

Pick a game to play
Just like humans, dogs can have varying moods; one day your Shiba Inu might like to play catch while on other days, they prefer to play soccer. When planning to play ball with your furry friend, try out different games and see which one they are most interested in for the day.
Have some fun
When you figure out what your Shiba Inu is in the mood for, establish the rules of the game. For instance, if your dog shows interest when you throw the ball, then they probably would like to play catch. Start by throwing the ball some distance and allow your dog to chase after the ball. Wait for your dog to retrieve the ball and do it all over again.

More Fun Ideas...

Interval Training

Avid runners will find the Shiba Inu to be a great training partner. Interval training involves short bursts of intense movement alternated with slower activity. It is fun to watch your dog keep up with your pace while training, especially for a highly-energetic pooch such as the Shiba Inu. Just remember to have your Shiba on a leash while you train to prevent them from running off. 

Food Puzzles

Interactive food puzzles are definitely one of the best dog-related inventions that exist today. The purpose of these toys is to make dogs think and figure out how to get their food, thereby exercising their minds. It’s a great way to keep your Shiba Inu mentally stimulated.


There is a reason why the Shiba Inu is one of Japan’s most prized possessions; they are intelligent, alert, compassionate and an overall wonderful companion. However, having a Shiba Inu for a pet is not just about owning a dog – it is a lifestyle. Their strong personality might be off-putting for some. However, with proper training and engagement in various activities, the Shiba Inu can become an amazing family dog.