Activities For Standard Schnauzers

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The Standard Schnauzer is a squarely-built and handsome dog with an air of aristocratic quality. This breed is known for having a thick and wiry coat, high-set ears and a bristly mustache. The breed has earned the nickname “the dog with the human brain” because of their high level of intelligence with a streak of mischievousness. They are also quite social and carry themselves with self-importance. While it may not seem like it, Schnauzers are also athletic, excelling in a variety of canine performance sports. Their physical qualities, coupled with their fun temperament, make this breed a popular household pet choice. 

Disc Dog

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Sunny Day
30 - 60 min
Items needed
Frisbee disc
Activity description

Standard Schnauzers have highly-developed senses and extreme athleticism, which makes fetch an enjoyable game for them. However, with such a smart dog, something as repetitive as a game of fetch might not be as fun and stimulating as it was the first time around. A good and more versatile alternative to fetch is disc dog. Similar to a game of fetch, disc dog involves throwing and retrieving. The main difference is that in the latter, a Frisbee disc is used, which the dog can catch instead of just picking up and retrieving. It is a fun take on the classic game but is more fun and challenging for your pooch. 

Start with the basic fetch
To start playing some disc dog, you first need to find an open area where you can play. A safe starting point would be your backyard. When you find the spot, start out with a game of fetch using a toy, such as a ball. This will help your Schnauzer get familiar with the game. If your dog does not go after the toy the first time around, do not be discouraged. Instead, use commands to urge your dog to retrieve the toy. Over time, your pooch will understand the game’s mechanics.
Incorporate the disc
After your dog is comfortable playing the standard fetch game, slowly introduce the Frisbee disc into the fold. Let your dog have a good look and sniff of the disc. Throw the disc a few feet away and watch as your dog takes interest in it. Eventually, your dog will run after and pick up the disc. Make the game more challenging by throwing the disc further and further.

Picnic Pleasure

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Sunny Day
1 - 3 hrs
Items needed
Picnic blanket
Activity description

One of the qualities of the Standard Schnauzer that makes them a favorite among dog owners is their love and devotion. Although they are primarily an active breed, Schnauzers also thrive in being family companions. Once they get their fair share of exercise for the day, this breed will be more than happy to spend some quality time with their owners. A good way to bond with your Standard Schnauzer is to organize a picnic trip. Having a picnic date with your pooch allows you to enjoy some time with each other. It also presents an opportunity for your dog to play in the outdoors. 

Pack stuff for your picnic
If you plan to go on a picnic with your dog, remember that you are packing for two. Prepare a picnic blanket to use as well as food and water for yourself and your Schnauzer. Bring a collapsible bowl for your dog and some waste bags as well. You can also pack some of your dog’s favorite toys and take it with you on the trip.
Go on your picnic trip
When you are done packing the essentials, think of a perfect spot where you can have your picnic. There are lots of dog parks with areas specifically for this purpose. You can also choose to go to a dog-friendly public place such as the beach. When you get to your picnic spot, lay out your stuff on the blanket and bond with your pooch. Enjoy the outdoors and play with your dog while you’re at it.


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Any Day
1 - 2 hrs
Items needed
Item to be tracked
Activity description

The Standard Schnauzer is a well-rounded dog breed that excels in just about anything, including a number of canine sports and training. One area where you can further train your Schnauzer in is nose work. This is best done through track training. Tracking is a method or technique where you get your dog to locate certain items or people by following a specific scent. More than just a fun and challenging activity for your pooch, tracking can also come in handy in real-life situations, such as surviving in the wild or hunting of prey. Standard Schnauzers have immensely-developed senses, which make them a topnotch candidate for tracking activities. 

Pick an area for training
When attempting to train your dog in tracking, it is crucial to pick a good spot where you can train. Some dog owners might not know this but different elements of the weather can have an effect on scent molecules. Thus, for beginners, it is recommended to initially train indoors.
Pick the tracking item
When you have decided where you will conduct your training, the next step is to pick an item that you want your dog to track and locate by scent. A good option to start with is an object with a scent that your dog is familiar with. This usually comes in the form of their favorite toy or treat.
Have your dog find the item
Once your dog gets a good whiff of the item, command them to sit and stay. Then, hide the item somewhere where that your dog will not easily see. In doing so, you are forcing your dog to solely use scent to track the item. In the long run, when your dog gets more and more proficient, you can take the training outdoors and use new items for your dog to locate.

More Fun Ideas...


The Standard Schnauzer seems like a dog that is built for agility. This is because this breed is incredibly smart and athletic. You may create your own agility course within your home to test out your Schnauzer’s capacities. If you have the budget, you can get a trainer for your dog. 

Therapy Dog Training

Standard Schnauzers are friendly and warm by nature, which is why they would make for a great therapy dog. Apart from their affectionate nature, they are also highly trainable and can pass the tests with flying colors. Just find a reputable organization to have your pooch certified as a therapy dog. 


Smart, comedic and agile – these are just some of the top qualities that make the Standard Schnauzer a beloved dog breed all over the world. Having such a well-rounded dog requires owners to be creative with the activities that they take on together. By doing any of the activities listed above, you can keep your pooch happy while building a stronger relationship at the same time.