Activities For Tibetan Mastiffs

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A gigantic dog with a majestic presence, the Tibetan Mastiff is an ancient breed which was developed centuries ago in the mountains of Tibet. This breed’s original purpose is to be a watchdog for property and livestock. While they are still being used for this purpose in some areas of their native country, Tibetan Mastiffs also enjoy regular doggy life, particularly as show dogs and house pets. This dog is known for being independent and assertive. Therefore, they are recommended for experienced owners with a firm but gentle hand who can manage their powerful personality and can provide all their needs. 


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Any Day
30 min
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It is no secret that virtually all dog breeds need some form of regular exercise. There are some breeds (mainly the larger breeds) that need longer exercise periods compared to others. Because the Tibetan Mastiff is a huge breed, this dog needs to be physically stimulated on a daily basis. However, this breed is quite assertive and won’t always listen to their owners. Hence, bringing the Tibetan Mastiff out for exercise might be a challenge, when they want to go off on their own. A good alternative to your usual walk or run, one that does not involve leaving your house, is through the use of a treadmill. 

Get a treadmill
A treadmill would be a great investment if you have a Tibetan Mastiff because it can help a lot with your dog’s exercise needs. In case you do not own one yet, go to any sports store and buy one. You may even look for a secondhand treadmill that your friends or family no longer use.
Introduce the treadmill
When you have acquired a treadmill, place it in an area that your dog goes to frequently. You can bring your dog to the treadmill or place treats on the treadmill to get them familiar with the device. You can also use the treadmill while your dog watches so that they will understand how the equipment works.
Start exercising your pooch
As soon as your dog takes a liking to the treadmill, you can start training them to walk on the treadmill. Turn the equipment on and set it at a very slow pace. Wait until your dog gets familiar with the device and are comfortable walking while the treadmill is on. Over time, you can adjust the speed and intensity accordingly.

Puppy Kindergarten

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Any Day
60 min
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While the Tibetan Mastiff possesses a lot of wonderful and positive qualities, there are a few drawbacks to owning this breed. One of the most prominent is that this dog is quite stubborn, which can be problematic as they grow older. If you have a Tibetan Mastiff puppy, a great way to thwart any unwanted behavior or prevent the onset of negative actions is through puppy kindergarten class. This is for dogs six months of age and below and involves bringing together a group of puppies in order to learn some basic skills such as obedience, socialization, etc. More importantly, as a dog owner, you get the opportunity to ask and talk about certain issues that are concerning to you. These classes may range from cheap to moderate but the results will be worth it. 

Find a reputable school
There are lots of puppy kindergarten schools to choose from and you might be overwhelmed with all the options available. However, you have to make sure that the school you will choose has a good reputation and that their training sessions are fun, positive and do not involve any form of punishment. Furthermore, you should find out what the classes cover and if it provides all the skills that you want your dog to learn.
Enroll your dog
After you have chosen a school for your pup, contact the school and find out the requirements needed for your dog to enroll. Some of the general requirements that puppy kindergarten schools look at include age and vaccination history. Submit these requirements, pay all the fees and let the professionals take over the training for your dog.

Blood Donor

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Any Day
15 - 30 min
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It is no secret that there is a need for supplies of human blood, which is why blood drives and blood donations are held often every year. However, not a lot realize that pet blood is just as important. There are plenty of pets that are in need of blood transfusions when undergoing surgery or suffering from injuries or certain diseases. Veterinary blood banks are scattered all across the country and are always willing to accept doggy blood donors. A healthy and fully grown Tibetan Mastiff will be able to donate a good amount of blood that can be used to help other pets. 

Talk to your veterinarian
If you are confused about where to go and how to start with blood donations, your best bet would be to go to your dog’s veterinarian and find out how your pooch can donate some blood. Your vet will also be the one to evaluate whether your dog is a good candidate to be a blood donor.
Have your dog donate blood
If your veterinarian believes that your dog is a good candidate, bring your dog to the clinic. Generally, dogs with good overall health can become blood donors. However, your pooch will have to undergo a physical exam before they can actually donate blood. Once your dog passes, the actual donation can take place. This session will be a calm and peaceful affair for most dogs since it is virtually painless. Most clinics even reward the doggy donors with complimentary health exam or food as a way to say thank you for contributing to the cause.

More Fun Ideas...

Funny Dog Photos

The Tibetan Mastiff is among the most impressive-looking dog breeds in the world. If you are fortunate enough to own one, why not take photos of your pooch and show them off? You can even dress your dog up in different costumes to take more amusing images.

Play in the Snow

Tibetan Mastiffs are used to the cold weather as they were originally bred in the mountainous areas of Tibet. Plus, this breed boasts a thick coat that helps them endure cold temperatures. During the winter, take your Mastiff out in your backyard so you can frolic in the snow together. Just make sure that your yard is well-fenced and secure. 


Tibetan Mastiffs are hardworking, self-assured, fearless and devoted to their families. For centuries, they have been bred and trained to become protectors, a job that they have perfected as they make for excellent watchdogs. But this breed can be a handful, so you should be ready to train them, provide all their needs and make sure that their living conditions are met.