Activities For Tibetan Terriers

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Tibetan Terriers are adorable dogs that are actually not a part of the terrier family at all; their name comes from a misconception that European travelers held concerning the dog based on their resemblance to a number of well known terrier breeds. Tibetan Terriers are medium sized dogs that tend to have a lot of fur on their coats - some having so much fur that they look like plus sized Shih Tzus. These dogs make great companions for people who live in areas with minimal space or who are simply looking for a dog that doesn't require a lot to meet their physical activity needs.

Trick Training

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Any Day
45 min
Items needed
Dog Treats
Activity description
This activity will be a great way to help your Tibetan Terrier improve their brainpower over time as well as help your dog learn to respect and honor any requests that you make of them with time and practice. Trick training refers to the act of getting your Tibetan Terrier's attention and then teaching them how to execute certain actions of command; sitting, staying, rolling over, and laying down are all par for the course here. This activity takes a lot of patience from both yourself and your dog, so always aim to keep things light and fun in order to keep morale high.
Create a distraction free zone
To properly teach your dog any trick, you'll need to have their complete and undivided attention. Create a distraction free zone by turning off the TV, going to a space that doesn't have a lot of stray items laying about the place, and by maintaining eye contact with your dog throughout this exercise.
Reinforcement and reward
These are the two most important ingredients to really get your dog to learn a new trick. Teach your dog how to complete a trick and reward them the first time for simply following through. But wait until your dog completes the trick two times in a row before you give them their second treat.
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Puzzle Solving

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Any Day
30 min
Items needed
Dog Puzzles
Treat Toys
DIY Puzzles
Activity description
Tibetan Terriers are smart dogs who can catch on to new concepts and commands at a fairly fast rate. As you'll likely have learned if you've taught your dogs a few tricks, Tibetan Terriers also have solid and reliable memorization capabilities. All of these things are what allow Tibetan Terriers to excel at puzzles of all shapes and sizes. If you're looking for a way to train your dog's brain while also feeding them, you should definitely look into getting a hold of a few dog treat toys that are available online or in store. If you are concerned with weight gain, there are also plenty of other puzzling options that don't involve dog treats at all.
Think about your dog's needs
There is essentially a dog puzzle for every occasion you could possibly think of, so think about your dog's needs before you shell out of your hard earned any cash. If your dog gains weight easily, look for a dog puzzle that doesn't require any treats.
Do it yourself
If you feel that none of the dog puzzles out there fit your dog's needs, consider creating a few DIY dog puzzles for your pet. There are a number of them that are fairly easy to make, and often involve prompting your dog to solve a puzzle so that they can get a toy instead of food. Use the internet to research the optimal toy for your buddy's needs.
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Obedience Training

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Any Day
1 hr
Items needed
Dog Toys
Activity description
As smart as Tibetan Terriers are, many of them tend to be on the wilier side of the spectrum when they're younger. Most Tibetan Terriers tend to be very vocal dogs who become a handful if they aren't properly reared up and taught who's the leader of the pack in your household. Enter obedience training; it can work wonders on helping a dog learn their place in your home as well as how to respect other humans and animals. Obedience training courses tend to last about a week or so and costs can vary depending on the particular training course you're looking into.
Choosing the right type
Some obedience trainers specialize in grooming dogs to be ready to participate in confirmation shows while others specialize in mentoring dogs who will eventually serve as rescue or service dogs. Look up your local obedience trainers and figure out which class offers services that'll meet your pet's needs.
Be there for your dog
Both in the literal and figurative sense; your dog will get through the obedience training course much better with you there, constantly serving as a source of moral and encouragement. You being there can also help your dog complete activities they wouldn't normally be able to due to the bond you and your dog share.
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More Fun Ideas...

The Cup Game

This activity will tease your Tibetan Terrier's brain while also providing them with a tasty treat once they get the hang of it. The cup game refers to the classic game in which one person gets three cups, hides an item of value under one of them, shuffles the cups around, and then prompts the other person to find the item. This is easily adaptable to your dog.

Hair Styling

This activity prompts you to learn about the various ways you can style your Tibetan Terrier's hair; these breeds are essentially walking masses of fur that can bark and show affection so the ways in which a dog owner who's caring for a Tibetan Terrier can style their dog's hair are practically limitless.

Find the Fish

This activity encourages your Tibetan Terrier to use their enhanced doggie sense of smell to find tiny pieces of fish that you've discretely scattered about a certain play area. Before you give this activity a go, however, you'll want to make certain that your dog isn't allergic to fish, as well as make certain that the fish is free of eggs or anything that won't mix well with your dog's stomach.


The activities listed above are just some of the ways you and your Tibetan Terrier can bond and see the world from new perspectives. While your Tibetan Terrier will love the activities we've listed, we also advise that you continue to search for new ways to engage with your pup in order to keep things exciting and fresh; as with most smart dogs, Tibetan Terriers tend to develop more adverse reactions to routine than dogs who aren't as mindful or quizzical. Tibetan Terriers are ultimately dogs that enjoy being introduced to new stimuli and scenarios, so feel free to experiment and see which types of activities your Tibetan Terrier takes to.