Prepare for unexpected vet bills
Tosa breed dogs, like many other large or giant dogs, have a somewhat shortened lifespan compared to smaller dogs, typically around ten to twelve years. In the case of the Tosa, this is often due to either cancer or diseases that attack the joints and the skeletal system such as hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, and severe arthritis. Canine massage can ease the stiffness and pain that are associated with these disorders, and in some cases, it may help to prevent them or slow their progress by improving circulation and muscle tone. As an added benefit, massaging your canine companion also helps to improve the communication and bond between the two of you.
This breed was developed specifically as a fighting dog in Japan, and while they were generally bred to be non-aggressive towards humans, they can be wary of strangers and have been known to be territorial. A Tosa breed dog that believes that they are protecting their home or their family is quite fearless and may be difficult to call off, and if they remain unsocialized, they may even view guests as a threat, making them a hazard to anyone who comes to visit. It is the responsibility of the dog’s owners to ensure that they get plenty of socialization so that they are comfortable with the idea of guests coming to visit and that they remain calm and well-mannered during social calls.
Large and giant-sized canines like Tosa Inu breed dogs
tend to be more likely than their smaller counterparts to develop debilitating
joint issues such as severe arthritis and hip dysplasia. The physical activity that
is involved with swimming improves cardiovascular health without adding as much
stress to the joints due to the support of the water as well as strengthening
the muscles, including the muscles that surround and support the joints, which
helps to slow or even prevent damage to the skeletal system. This activity is
particularly helpful not only as the dog ages but also when they are young as
it can help to support the proper formation of the skeletal growth plates.