Prepare for unexpected vet bills
Welsh Springer Spaniels are loyal and affectionate animals that are known for their tendency to stick to their owner like glue, even following them into the bathroom. Canine freestyle dance is an entertaining activity in which a human and canine team perform a routine to music that incorporates tricks and specialized heelwork, which makes their trait of sticking right next to their owner very useful. The routines are carefully choreographed by the human member of the team and can be humorous or dramatic. The heelwork and trick training required for this activity can range from simple to complex, depending on the skill and experience of both the human and canine members of the team.
Canines typically have a much more defined sense of smell than the average human. Not only do they average at least ten to twenty times more olfactory receptors than the paltry six million that are found in the human nasal passage, the part of the brain that is devoted to analyzing odors is also around forty times larger than ours. Welsh Springer Spaniels are known for their ability to locate crippled game by scent, and it is rare to lose a downed bird when you are hunting with a Welshie. While their scenting ability is exceptionally helpful when hunting, it can also be a useful skill to hone for search and rescue and for competitive scent work.
This breed of dog is still frequently employed as a flushing and retrieving dog for hunters of both upland game birds and waterfowl. While they tend to have natural talent and instinct that helps to guide them in this endeavor, a great hunting partner also requires training, which often begins at a very early age. When working with the Welsh Springer Spaniel, remember to keep their sensitivity in mind; never use harsh discipline with these dogs and be sure to introduce loud sounds associated with hunting, such as the sound of the gun, slowly and gradually to avoid creating a gun-shy hunting partner.