Activities For White Shepherds

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With their pointed, pure white coats and stoic dispositions, White Shepherds have an almost mythical quality to them; they look like they've stepped right out of the pages of a fantasy book and seem to have a sublime, for lack of a better word, "essence" to them. Despite their fabled visage, the White Shepherd is a very down to Earth dog breed that is just as friendly and sociable as their German Shepherd cousin. The coloration of the White Shepherd's coat is due to them having a recessive gene but other than that, there aren't very many differences between White Shepherds and German Shepherds. Therefore, White Shepherds can also participate in a number of the same activities German Shepherds can.

Obedience Training

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Any Day
1 hr
Items needed
Activity description
For this guide, we're going to list the activities that we think would really help your White Shepherd in descending order of importance.  We've placed obedience training at the top because it's one of the most important activities that you could ever help your dog engage in. German Shepherds may have a reputation of being able to perform all sorts of tasks and assist humans in a variety of ways but they aren't born with the ability to do so; German Shepherds are only able to do all of those amazing things after they've undergone an obedience training course or two that teaches them how to understand and execute commands. The same goes with their White Shepherd cousins, who can become just as versatile with training.
Gaining your dog's attention
The first step in obedience training involves learning how to gain and hold your dog's undivided attention. You won't need to become mean or aggressive to do so, but you will need to be clear and assertive while you give your dog commands so that they know that you're the leader of their pack and to follow your commands to the letter.
Basic training
Now that you have your dog's attention, you'll need to cover the basics of obedience training with them. Teaching your dog how to stay is one of the core concepts of obedience training, but it can be a lot tougher than one would imagine. The goal is to get your dog to stay put no matter who else or what else passes by them. If your White Shepherd can stay while you walk around them in a circle, then they've got this much down. Now, you can move on to a long down and beyond!
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Long Distance Hiking

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Any Day
12 - 72 hrs
Items needed
Hiking Supplies
Food and Water
Camping Equipment
Dog Backpack
Activity description
Evident by the time estimate that we've assigned to this activity, there's quite a big difference between a regular hike and a long distance hike. In fact, long distance hiking is a lot more like backpacking than any other activity, as both involve travelling through the wilderness for long periods of time. White Shepherds have a knack for traversing through various types of environments, as do most dogs for that matter, so it wouldn't be such a bad idea to take your dog along with you for this activity - it will be a great way for the two of you to bond while also putting your bodies and minds to the test.
Prep time
For a hiking trip, you'd probably pack lightly so that you won't be bogged down too much during your journey. That same principle applies to long distance hiking, but the catch is that there are more essential items that you'll need to make room for; you'll need to make room for a few camping supplies as well as enough food a water to last for the duration of the trip. This step is difficult, but not impossible. For this activity, we definitely suggest bringing a few friends and family members along as well as getting a backpack that your dog can wear as well.
Gradual improvement
As the hardest activity on our list, long distance hiking will take the longest time to master. Don't get discouraged and don't try to go too far when you first start trying this activity with your White Shepherd. There's nothing wrong with keeping your long distance hikes relatively short early on and then gradually going further and hiking for longer periods of time later. Both you and your pup can build skill and stamina as you do so, along with scouting out trails that you would like to investigate further.
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Clean Up

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Any Day
1 hr
Items needed
Basket or Toy Bin
Activity description
Ask any dog owners about a time when their pets made a big mess at home after playing with their toys and you may have to wait a while as owner sorts through a myriad of "big mess" memories. To minimize the likelihood of experiencing a "big mess" moment yourself, you can teach your dog how to clean up after themselves during playtime. Your dog will like the challenge of finding all of their toys and putting them away neatly while you won't have to worry about cleaning up after your pet as much. Your White Shepherd will need to be able to understand and follow commands. Additionally, you will have the challenge of teaching them the command to "pick up" and the fun of helping them learn the names of their toys.
Proper positioning
We listed a basket or toy bin as one of the items to use. The reason why is because we're going to fill it up with all your dog's favorite toys and then we're going to place it in an area where your dog can easily reach them. The idea here is that once your dog knows where their toys are, they can get them and chew on them rather than on any household items you'd rather they keep away from. Try placing the toy bin or basket right in the middle of your living room or in a cleaned out corner of your kitchen.
Practice and patience
It will be a while before your dog fully understands the concept of cleaning up after themselves; there will be many times where your White Shepherd will take out some of their toys, play with them, and then leave them scattered about the place. It won't be until they begin to associate a specific command that you give them (possibly something along the lines of "clean up" or "pick up",) that they'll begin picking up their toys and putting them back in the basket. Practice consistently and your clever White Shepherd will only have to hear the command once when it is time to tidy up.
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More Fun Ideas...

Mondio Ring

This sport originates from France and encourages your White Shepherd to maneuver through a large, rubber ring. Dog trainers tend to introduce German Shepherds to this activity to help them become better Protection Dogs. This activity is fairly easy to get into but definitely hard to master, as evident by the 4 titles a dog can earn from it.

Canine Freestyle

You'll really need to put some pep in your step and give yourself to the rhythm for this activity. Canine Freestyle refers to an activity in which you and your dog come up with a unique and entertaining dance routine that the two of you will need to practice and rehearse until you can pull it off on the spot.


White Shepherds are just as versatile and adaptable as their German Shepherd cousins; they have an equally strong and athletic build, an equally innate sense of smell, and a naturally refined sense of intuition. White Shepherds aren't as common or well known as their German Shepherd kin, which we feel is a crying shame to a degree, but they've got everything a dog needs to stand out and make a lasting impression on the world. If you're interested in adopting a White Shepherd, be prepared to live an active lifestyle that will take you out of your comfort zone but that will also give you a brand new perspective on the world.