Prepare for unexpected vet bills
The Wirehaired Pointing Griffon is a medium-sized gundog with a naturally unkempt appearance. They are a hard-working dog that truly is best suited for a home where they have a job to perform. The Wirehaired Pointing Griffon is a social dog and expects you to give them the attention they believe they deserve. They also require consistent and continual training. Expect to spend time out with your Wirehaired Pointing Griffon instead of lazing on the couch after work. They enjoy all different types of activities as long as they are with you and exercising their mind and body.
Trick training of any kind with your Wirehaired Pointing Griffon will take patience and consistency. The Wirehaired Pointing Griffon is a high energy dog and will have a shorter attention span if they feel they are not getting a proper reward for their work. Make sure you have plenty of treats available for them during their training. It is easy to teach your dog to give you a kiss, and it will also help prevent unwanted licking. Most dogs want to show their affection by licking you; some dogs can go a little overboard and make their wet smooches too exuberant. By teaching them to kiss you on command, you are controlling the behavior and limiting the amount of time they are licking you. Teaching your dog to give you a kiss can be done in any weather and is a cheap activity, you just need some of their favorite treats! You will want to practice each day for about 10-15 minutes so they do not become bored and you do not become sopping wet.
Touch training or targeting is a form of trick training and the Wirehaired Pointing Griffon should excel as long as they can reign in their activity levels long enough to listen and learn. Touch training can help with behavior issues as well because it keeps your dog watching expectantly for your next signal. Touch training has been used by many people to turn their dog’s attention from a potential problem such as passing another dog on the street or a grooming session. Once your dog has learned basic touch training, you can then expand on their training and have them learn to ring a bell to go outside or to get a treat. It is cheap to teach touch training, you will just need treats and if you are working in a public place, you will also need a collar and leash. Touch training can be learned in any environment, remember to start your Wirehaired Pointing Griffon in a calm, quiet place to avoid distractions until they have learned what is expected. Keep learning sessions short, between 10 and 15 minutes long to avoid boredom from setting in.
A day at the beach sounds divine, especially when you can go hang out with friends and bring your Wirehaired Pointing Griffon along for the fun. Most beaches are do- friendly, but make sure you know the rules and keep your dog close to avoid any problems with other beachgoers. If you live near a coast, visiting a beach is probably easy and free, otherwise, those not as fortunate to have a beach close by will have to do a little searching for a nice sandy shore around a lake. While visiting the beach, it is always best to go when the sun is shining and the day is promising beautiful weather. When you are enjoying the sun and sand with your Wirehaired Pointing Griffon, keep in mind that they can easily get too hot when they are in direct sun and they should have plenty of fresh water available. If you are planning on being at the beach longer than an hour or two, make sure there is a nice shady spot for your dog to rest after playing to keep them from becoming overheated.
Because the Wirehaired Pointing Griffon is a versatile gundog, they do enjoy a hike through the woods or even through open fields. They will be putting their hunting skills to the test and searching for all types of animals to ferret out. Remember to keep them close by or they will be off and running for miles and miles. This is a free activity that keeps your dog moving and happy.
A Wirehaired Pointing Griffon is a highly active gundog and does require an active family to keep them from becoming bored and causing destruction to your home. These dogs must have a job to perform each day and without that outlet, they will have a difficult time settling into a family life. Expect to spend a good amount of time with your Wirehaired Pointing Griffon doing activities that work their minds as well as their bodies. Find activities that you both enjoy. You can also find other people who have high energy dogs and form a group to have playtime.