

4 min read


Why Do Beagle Puppies Bite So Much



4 min read





Usually obliging dogs that rarely give in to aggression, Beagles are curious, smart, affectionate, and playful. They are a favorite of families because of their size and their nature with children. They love running around the yard and exploring their surroundings. Beagles are a lover of the outdoors and they thrive on activity. Although they might seem small compared to other breeds, they require a lot of exercise, so it is important to make sure that you have the time before thinking about owning one. It is also important to note that Beagles tend to bite a lot. Biting, chewing, and nipping are some of the most common Beagle problems but do not worry, they can be resolved. 

The Root of the Behavior

There are several reasons why your Beagle seems to bite so much and from your dog’s point of view, all of these reasons are valid. These reasons are either by instinct or brought about by learned behavior. One of the most common reasons for biting too much is teething. Teething normally occurs from four to eight months old. However, keep in mind that just like humans there are Beagles that are early or late in development. When your beloved puppy is teething, they want to chew to ease the discomfort. So, if they bite you during the teething phase, it is not intentional. Play biting happens when your Beagle is still young and normally when they are still with their siblings. This is when they explore their world and start learning Beagle lessons. This is when they learn that if a bite is too rough or too hard, the other dog lets out a loud yelp. After the bite, the other puppy will ignore the biter because of the pain he has experienced.

Separation anxiety is another cause of too much biting. Some Beagles resort to biting their humans’ ankles or feet when they leave the house. This may appear as aggressive biting but such is not the case. This is the Beagle’s way of saying “Don’t leave me all alone!” This problem will require training so your Beagle does not feel anxious when left alone. Aggressive biting, on the other hand, is something very rare with Beagles because they are not an aggressive breed. There are two types of biting which can be categorized as aggressive biting, which include biting due to self-protection and biting as a result of unfamiliar stimuli. It is necessary to get your Beagle used to new environment and new people or pets. True aggressive biting is most likely caused by a health issue because when the dog is in pain, the top sign is aggression which includes biting. 

Encouraging the Behavior

Too much biting is a behavior which you do not want your Beagle to continue. It is something you need to put a stop to immediately. So, what can you do to accomplish this once you know the possible causes? If biting is due to teething, there are proper and safe teething toys which can be easily purchased at pet shops. However, buying teething toys is only the first step. You need to teach your puppy how to use them properly. You need to teach them that the sofa, the table, and the cushion are not to be chewed on. The teething toys will be useless if your dog is busy chewing and biting other things. If your Beagle is biting too rough or too hard with the rest of the litter, you can train him to stop doing this by letting out a loud “Ouch” and withdrawing from him. Backing away and giving him zero attention will make him understand that what he did is unpleasant and should not be repeated.

Socializing your Beagle is another important step to prevent biting too much. When you bring a Beagle home, everything is new to him. His whole world is quickly filled with new stimuli, so you must show your dog how to react to these elements. Introduce him to the world slowly and steadily. Lastly, if your Beagle is exhibiting true aggressive biting, it is a must to take him to the veterinarian right away. Usually, there are other symptoms of aggressive biting because of medical issues, which include the loss of appetite and lethargy.

Other Solutions and Considerations

When Beagles bite because of self-defense, there are normally other signs such as distrust, anxiety, pain and fear. Dogs only bite due to self-defense after they have warned the person to stay away but most people miss these signs. Never make the mistake of assuming that your Beagle won’t bite you because he loves you and he has complete loyalty to you. When Beagles are afraid or are anxious, you should be very careful so that you avoid getting bitten. If your Beagle shows any signs of aggression, act immediately. Do not let it go on for long or his dominance and aggression will only get worse. If you do not feel confident of handling the situation, it is better to seek professional help.


The fun-loving, carefree, and loyal Beagle can be so much fun. There are numerous reasons why they start biting too much and there are also solutions to this problem. Start training your Beagle not to bite from when he is still young. If you let the situation get out of control, it can cause serious problems in your household.

Written by a Chow Chow lover Jhoana Carla de Toro

Veterinary reviewed by:

Published: 04/10/2018, edited: 01/30/2020

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