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- Why Do Bulldogs Bark

Stop barking! Pet parents that have become overwhelmed with the amount of barking their dog does usually get to a point where they tell their dog to stop. This verbal demand doesn’t usually work and most likely the barking will continue. If you have reached the end of your patience threshold with your dog's lengthy barking sessions, you will be happy to learn that it’s a natural instinct and behavior in Bulldogs. Dogs bark for numerous reasons and it is essential that you find the cause of your dog’s barking to help relieve the situation. Continue reading to help determine the cause of your dog’s barking.
As a pet parent, you most likely have observed your dog barking for various reasons. The most common reasons are for attention, fear, uncertainty, and protectiveness over territory. As a puppy, your adorable dog barks for attention and communication. Think back to the first time you ever heard your puppy bark. Chances are it was the cutest sound you ever heard. Your puppy learned to give you verbal queues to tell you he was hungry, thirsty, or wanted to play. As he grew up, he continued to provide verbal communication through his barking. You might not have noticed it but you learned his language by determining the sound, pitch, and length of the bark. This communication between owner and dog is healthy and essential to maintaining a strong bond. Fear causes dogs to bark because it is their way of being brave and alerting the object of their fear that they mean business.
Dogs can be afraid of many things that trigger barking. It could be a knock on the front door, a new toy, or unusual sounds. Sometimes dogs fear people and strangers if they aren’t socialized properly. You might think it’s a good idea to keep your dog safe away from people, places, and other dogs, but it creates social anxiety for your dog. Once you do go out, your dog is overwhelmed by all the activity that he most likely barks the entire time you are outdoors. Bulldogs are known for their calm, sweet nature and their adorable desire to sleep on the sofa all day. They seldom bark, but when they get going it is difficult to get them to stop. Usually, a dog that doesn’t bark much in general that suddenly barks excessively is experiencing a situation he either fears or is in the process of protecting his territory. He also could be alerting you of potential danger in the area.
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Get Vet ChatDiscouraging your dog to bark is like asking a human never to speak or yell. It’s a bit difficult to ask your dog to completely stop a natural behavior that he uses to communicate the good, bad, and the ugly with you. It is also blocking communication between you and your dog which could make your life difficult. You do not want to completely stop your dog from barking because it is how he communicates. However, you might want to lessen or prevent the excessive barking sessions that disturb your household and neighbors. Excessive barking usually originates with an issue your dog is experiencing.
Perhaps he barks at people every chance he gets or does not like when the mail delivery person comes too close to the door. There is always a reason behind the excessive barking and it is up to you as a pet parent to find out the reason. Fear of a situation such as visitors or strangers approaching the front door to the house is a common trigger for Bulldogs. It immediately sparks their sense of fear and causes them to bark excessively until they feel the person or danger is no longer a threat. This barking session can last a long time depending on the situation.
Once you determine the cause of your dog’s excessive barking, you can take action to prevent it from continuing. If your dog doesn’t like it when people approach the front door, you can change your window treatments so your dog is not able to see outside. You can also put doggie gates up throughout to limit his access to the front door area of the house. Taking action to help prevent your dog’s access with the triggers that set off his excessive barking should lead to fewer barking sessions. However, if you have attempted to fix the problem but your dog still continues to bark, it is a good idea to consult with a professional dog trainer for further insight.
Dog trainers are highly experienced with behavioral issues with dogs and can often provide insight into your dog’s behavior. They offer valuable information and training techniques help you train your dog to improve his behavior. Excessive barking can cause dog owners stress and anxiety. However, when treated properly you can prevent the amount of episodes as well as live in better harmony with your dog.
Written by a Cocker Spaniel lover Shellie Sutera
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Published: 04/25/2018, edited: 01/30/2020
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