Laying in the sun
Look out the window
Watching documentaries about animals
She's very different from every dog I have ever seen in my life. It's safe to say Kiera has her own character. She likes sleeping in the bed and on the sofa,she's needy and constantly asking for attention, but likes having her boundaries when she is not in the mood as well, so if she is not fond of anything, she starts snarling and barking. Likes to be treated as equal, as a person, she has a constant need of sleeping with us. She gets more than excited, happy and vocal when a member of the family comes home from work or vacation.She is very protective of her territory and house in general, therefore she doesn't like having strangers and visitors around. She's not very good with the kids, probably because, everyone is adult in our family.She likes hanging out with other dogs. We have a Georgian shepherd as well and even though, he is not very friendly towards her, Kiera constantly tries to play with him. Also, she's very responsive and attentive, so she can be a watchdog as well considering an exceptional sense of smell and hearing of hers. Kiera has chosen her favourite person-my mom so she is always obedient and loving towards her, no matter what. Kiera is extremely intelligent and comprehends everything we say, She is remarkably enterntaining, for example, Kiera has never been trained, although, she is capable of walking on two legs for a long time. Kiera is a huge fan of laying in the sun and spending time in the nature. She loves walking and running, chasing birds and observing things around her.
2 years, 2 months ago