Collies, or Lassies as I call them are very loyal dogs. They are happy go lucky, intelligent, friendly , sweet tempered, have lots of endurance, etc...The list of positives goes on and on! This collie mix I walked was very big and very fluffy. She was absolutely beautiful and so so obedient. She would walk by my side and not pull like most dogs. She would also glance at me periodically to see what I wanted her to do and to make sure I was ok during the walk. What lucky owners to have such an amazing dog! She was truly textbook perfect during the duration of the walk. She did not pull, she was friendly with other dogs, obeyed her commands, did not pick up food off the ground, did not jump on other people, did not chase after small animals and came back home without protesting. This sounds like a dream dog that doesn't exist, but it was real I tell you! I am so thankful to have gotten to walk a sweet dog like her. I imagine she would protect her owners and go to the ends of the earth for them. Probably strangers as well. I would say they are one of the best, if not THE best dog breeds around. Labrador and golden retrievers, eat your hearts out! Oh, did I mention she was not a big barker? I bet she would only bark to alert to danger or something, like Lassie in the show. During our walk, it was heavily snowing and she did not seem to get affected by the cold, probably because of her very long and dense fur coat she had on. Once we arrived at a nearby park, she started getting more playful and loosening up a bit. She started rolling around and jumping back and forth like a giddy puppy. She was also picking up sticks, bringing them to me than running away before I could grab them. She was very energetic at this point and I let her have a great snow day. We both had an excellent time and had enough energy to jog back through the snow much to the amusement and amazement of the people shoveling their drive ways. Overall this breed is the best and is very easy to train and wants to listen to their humans. I definitely am considering getting a Collie in the very near future.
7 years, 2 months ago