Nose work
Playing wwith toys
Barn hunting
Obedience classes
Agility training
We rescued him from the shelter, he was an owner surrender who had not had much positive interaction. He didn't know how to play with toys. House training proceeded well,though. Getting his confidence up has been a big part of training as he is sensitive and doesn't like loud noises. He is super smart, and loves training. He is very athletic, a fast runner and jumper. He is still nervous around agility equipment so we keep working on his confidence and exposing him to things to decrease his sensitivity. I think his clear neglect attention wise on the part of his first owners is why he is a bit unsure at times. He was only a year old when we got him so he has responded well to our socializing. We have an older shih tzu who is mellow, they get along pretty well. He can be very focused at playtime and loves hunting for toys and chasing things. He loves training classes and learns fast. He is sweet, a bit zany, and much like his namesake, with long skinny legs, too. He was also born on the same day as Grover from Sesame Street (a fact we realized a year after getting and naming him). His previous name was "Feo" which is ugly in Spanish, and which he is NOT. He looks like Benji with long legs. His new name suits him so much better and we adore him.
His fur can matt a bit on his legs and belly where it is fine, so we use detangling spray to help prevent that. Otherwise he has not had any health issues. He is energetic and needs physical activity and mental stimulation or he can be fussy and engage in bad behaviors, like dumping over small trash cans and strewing the contents all over. He now has many toys he loves and lots of things to chew on. He is learning to cuddle more, and loves to be petted. It is a clear he didn't get much physical attention before. We are so glad he is ours now.
4 years, 3 months ago