The definition of a hybrid dog is one who was created by combining two purebreds to create a mixed dog. The Papimo is the mix between an American Eskimo and a Papillon. These dogs can be suited for apartment life as long as they get enough exercise, which is around 45 minutes per day. Since they have long and thick coats, the hot temperatures of the summer can be a problem and therefore exercise may need to be limited. They are small in size and are a wonderful choice for families with kids and other pets, since they are quite sociable and behave around all people and pets, as long as they are properly socialized.
Save on pet insurance for your Papimo
Now that you know what you’re in for, you may want to get ahead of future vet bills, which are typically $500-1,000 a year for a Papimo.
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The Papimo is considered to be a hybrid or designer dog breed because it is created from two separate breeds. For the Papimo, a Papillon and an American Eskimo are used. These dogs are a new creation and there is not much to be said about them quite yet. What we do know is that they originate from the United States and that they will share characteristics and traits from both the American Eskimo and the Papillon. The latter is a dog breed that has been around for a while. In fact, it is thought to be one of the oldest dog breeds around, since they had been discovered around 700 years ago. They were first found in Europe where they were called Dwarf Spaniels. The dogs were often presented sitting in the laps of Spanish noblewomen in paintings from the Italian Renaissance, which occurred between the 13th and 15th centuries. At one point their name changed to Continental Toy Spaniels, but it would change again later on to the name that we all know them by today. Most of the dogs at that time had dropped ears at that time, but later on an erect eared version came into existence. The dropped eared version was then referred to as Phalene Papillons and the erect eared dogs were simply Papillons. The other parent comes from a much larger family of Nordic breeds called the Spitz. These dogs are nearly the same as the German Spitz, but during the war the dogs who were brought to America had their names changed to the American Eskimo. The white Pomeranian, the Samoyed, white Keeshond and white Italian Spitz are all other members of the Spitz family of Nordic breeds. The breed found its way to the United States along with German Settlers, and therefore have no relation whatsoever to the Eskimo culture, despite their misleading name.
The Papimo, which is the combination between a Papillon and an American Eskimo dog, will have a personality that is similar to those of both parents. They tend to be energetic dogs with lots of energy. Although they love to please, they can sometimes be hard to housetrain, but this can be an issue with many small dog breeds. These strong willed dogs usually bond to one specific master and will obey and adore them unconditionally. Overall they are happy and affectionate pets that will get along very well with kids and other pets alike. However, strangers might make them nervous and it could sometimes take them time to warm up to people that they don’t know. They are usually quiet pets who will only bark if someone is at the door. A more in depth display of Papimo temperaments can be found by looking at the general behavior of the parent dogs.