keep away
My girl, Kali, came to me through the Rescue I work with, the Idaho Saint Bernard Rescue. My local shelter called us in (as they often do) when they need help with giant breeds. She had come in as a stray and, to that date, had not been out of the 3x5 cement and chain link box in their "Intake" kennels because she would not let anyone touch.....much less leash her. For three weeks, I spent my lunch hour sitting with her in that box and feeding her baked hot dog bits and "squeeze cheese". She would lay beside me and eat from my hand but, still, would not let me touch her head or back, or leash her. We decided it was time for a Hail Mary and, while she was sedated after her spay surgery, the shelter crew loaded her in the back of my SUV and I raced for my home. She woke up about half way there and I prayed, fervently, that she would not go bonkers and/or attack me. She wobbled to the front and stuck her cute little nose (she was 8 months old or so) directly in my ear and took a GIANT whiff of me and went back to lay down. Presumably deciding that I was okay. Once home, it took me about 10-15 minutes to coax her into and through the house to the back yard. She ran the perimeter, peed, and walked back in to what was now HER home. Since then she has been the sweetest, smartest, most loving, devoted, playful dog I have ever had. She was Foster Dog #21 and my first Foster Fail (I adopted her and #22 officially) so I have known many giants!! Foster #22 is a male, former stray, full Dane, and is Kali's "little brother". He is bigger and stronger than her but she is definitely in charge! His name is Koa and he's my "human 4 year old toddler". Together, they are Kali-Koa and are my big, black, brawny babies!!! They are extremely protective of me, and the home (or car) but, once introduced, they will allow strangers in and be hospitable if elusive. They are great with my other black beauty of a stout, snausage, female Chihuahua and my Bestie's sweet Pomeranian puppy. I love my Tiny and the Titans!!!
11 months, 2 weeks ago