Playing in the snow
Laying in the sun
Eating Snacks
Dog Parks
High Five
Catch treats
Road trip
Explore the woods
Boat ride
Go on Vacation
Go to Park
Go to Beach
Jasper has been a loyal, protective, affectionate dog. He has very wavy hair that gets very long and matted. He needs approximately 4-6 grooming a year (we let it grow out quite a bit before shaving him down). His hair was black and he had 2 tan/golden sisters.
He took slightly longer to train than I would have preferred but he’s obedient now and rarely needs a leash. He can be jealous at times, especially when we brought home our daughter or when there are other dogs around. He also misbehaves when he is upset about something (ie takes something that he knows he’s not supposed to touch, etc).
Jasper has had some health problems, but some of them were due to being attacked by another dog as a puppy. He has had both of his back legs operated on due to tearing a tendon after jumping from a high place. Jasper has hypothyroidism and requires medication once daily.
He gives hugs, kisses, and knows many tricks (though he never learned to roll over, I believe it hurts his back). Hes a fan of shallow water and light swimming. He’s a squirrel chaser and has eyed my in laws rabbit. He does okay with other dogs most of the time - he is usually wary first, especially with big dogs but I believe that is from the previously mentioned attack.
He gets the zoomies regularly (less now that he’s 13) and LOVES trips in the truck. He walks literally anywhere, and is enthusiastic about chasing a ball (though it’s rare he gives it back!), playing tug of war.
He is a very good boy.
3 years, 8 months ago