Thai Bangkaew

35-50 lbs

Some dogs aren’t really suitable for first-time parents and that’s the case with the Thai Bangkaew dog — this breed’s fierce intelligence combined with stubbornness requires an experienced hand to keep them in line.

However, if you think you’re up to the task, this Spitz-type dog will be a loyal and rewarding companion for parents willing to put the time and effort into training and socialization.

In this introduction to the Thai Bangkaew dog, you’ll learn…

  • They’re thought to be a mix between an Asiatic Jackal and a domestic dog

  • The breed is considered to be pretty healthy, although eye conditions are a minor concern

  • This is a dog that can be wary of strangers and other dogs

  • A Thai Bangkaew needs up to 90 minutes of exercise a day

Thai Bangkaew Breed Overview

The Thai Bangkaew is a relatively new breed, only emerging within the last century. Outside of Thailand, they’re infrequently spotted and haven’t even had breed standards set by the American Kennel Club (AKC), though they were accepted in the Foundation Stock Service as recently as July 2023.

This Thai dog is a lot more popular in their birth country, with their propensity to be constantly alert and a little territorial making them great watchdogs — it’s these traits that also make them difficult to train. However, they can be brought into line under the authority of the right parent and make for loyal and loving companions.

Despite harking from tropical climes, the Thai Bangkaew dog sports a thick double coat and a rather majestic plume tail, both of which require grooming to keep them presentable. In addition to regular brushing, prospective parents need to ensure they can commit to exercising these energetic dogs for up to an hour and a half a day.

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purpose Purpose
history Date of Origin
ancestry Ancestry
Thai Domestic Dog, Asiatic Wild Jackal

Thai Bangkaew Health

Sketch of Thai Bangkaew
Average Size
Male Thai Bangkaew size stats
Height: 19-21 inches Weight: 45-60 lbs
Female Thai Bangkaew size stats
Height: 17-19 inches Weight: 35-50 lbs

Save on pet insurance for your Thai Bangkaew


Now that you know what you’re in for, you may want to get ahead of future vet bills, which are typically $750-2,000 a year for a Thai Bangkaew.

Pet Insurance can help prepare you for unexpected vet bills. Compare top providers to get a custom quote that fits your pet’s unique health needs.

Learn more about the benefits of pet insurance.

Thai Bangkaew Breed History

The Thai Bangkeaw is one of those breeds that holds clues to its history within its name. Not only is it a Thai breed, but it’s likely to have originated from the village of Bangkaew in the Bang Rakam district of the country.

When exactly this happened is a little less clear-cut. One of the most commonly told stories traces the breed back to a local monastery. A local abbot was said to have taken in a pregnant dog that had been previously mated with an Asiatic Jackal Dog and looked after her until she gave birth to a litter of four puppies.

It’s believed that these puppies went on to breed with local herding dogs. Over the ensuing decades, the Thai Bangkaew dog began to emerge as a distinctive variety and halfway through the twentieth century, a selective breeding program was enacted to refine the breed.

The Thai Bangkaew is one of the most popular Thai dog breeds, but is a rare sight elsewhere in the world. The International Canine Federation drew up standards for the breed in 2011.

Thai Bangkaew Breed Appearance

One of the defining features of the Thai Bangkaew dog is their dense, medium-length coat, complete with a soft undercoat that helps with water repellency. At one end of the dog, there’s a mane-like ruff around the neck, while there’s a plume-shaped tail on the other side.

This majestic coat comes in a range of colorways, with the most common combination being as follows: white, gray and white, red and white, black and white, white and tan, and brown and white.

The breed has a well-proportioned body with a wide, deep chest, and a muscular chest and neck. The head is square with two pointed ears carried high up on its head giving the impression of alertness.

The eyes are normally brown in color and of average size, while the jaw has a scissor bite. 

Similar Breeds to the Thai Bangkaew

The Thai Bangkaew is similar to a few other dog breeds, especially those from the Spitz family. So, if you’re considering bringing this Thai dog breed into your home, you may also be interested in:

Akita Inu

Japanese Spitz

Thai Ridgeback


Akita Chow

Thai Bangkaew Breed Maintenance

Although the Thai Bangkaew dog’s thick coat is part of their appeal, it does require a fair amount of maintenance. Daily brushing is recommended to prevent the fur from becoming matted. This is especially important during the dog’s shedding periods.

They don’t need to be bathed frequently, as overbathing can interfere with the natural oil balance and lead to the coat developing a greasy appearance. Once every six to eight weeks is fine, however.

As a breed prone to ear infections, it’s important to check and clean their ears regularly. Parents should also stay on top of brushing their teeth and trimming their claws.

There’s another big thing that the Thai Bangkaew dog needs and that’s exercise — and lots of it. We’re talking up to 90 minutes’ activity a day and 12 miles of walking a week. 

Having a home with a large yard is borderline essential if you’re planning to introduce this Thai dog into your life — trust us when we say that the last thing you’ll want is an unstimulated Thai Bangkaew dog with masses of pent-up energy.

Thai Bangkaew Health Risks

Call it strong genes or hybrid vigor, but the Thai Bangkaew dog is generally considered to be a healthy breed with few of the genetic problems that plague other dogs.

There are two things parents need to be wary of, however. The first is Otitis Externa, which is a technical term for the infection of the outer ear. This can usually be successfully treated and averted through the practice of good ear hygiene — this means regular cleaning and drying after exercise.

Incidents of eye disease have also been noted as a minor concern in the Thai Bangkaew dog. Some of these can be fairly mild and treatable — Cataracts, for example — but others can’t be cured (e.g. Progressive Retinal Atrophy). The only thing a parent can do is to try and prevent accidents from happening by making sure their dog’s immediate living environment is safe.

If your dog does fall ill at any point in their life, it’s best to treat it as soon as possible — the regular tests and screenings included in a wellness plan are handy in catching diseases at a vitally early stage

What to Feed a Thai Bangkaew

As an especially energetic dog, the Thai Bangkaew dog has a big appetite and parents should look to satisfy this with top-quality dog food. That means high protein levels for energy and muscle growth, plus plenty of vitamins and minerals.

The breed has no specific dietary needs, but it’s best to avoid recipes that have a high proportion of carbohydrates or filler ingredients — these increase the risk of your dog putting on weight.

Need a little inspiration when it comes to finding dog food? Our partner Dog Food Advisor is the expert on the topic

Thai Bangkaew Temperament

We won’t sugarcoat it — the Thai Bangkaew can be a challenging breed. Not only can they be suspicious of strangers and other dogs, but this Thai dog can be stubborn when it comes to learning commands.

However, parents with a bit of canine experience and a wealth of patience will be able to tame a Thai Bangkaew dog. After a successful socialization period, some of the breed’s more positive attributes will shine through — this includes loyalty, intelligence and playfulness. Their constant alertness is prized by some parents who want a watchdog; it’s a breed that sees its role as protecting its family.

While it can thrive in families, the Thai Bangkaew tends to fare better with older children rather than young or small ones, to avoid cases of aggression.

Thai Bangkaew Owner Experiences

7 Years
1 People
Guard dog
I have had 3 Thai Bangkaews in Thailand and brought one to the US and then South America.
9 months, 4 weeks ago
Jupe Jupe
5 Years
7 People
House & Yard
Great family dog and protector but not good around strangers. They are extremely aggressive towards other dogs outside the family unit. They will bark to alert you if any unknown animals or snakes enter the yard. At night they will guard the property and god help anyone who climbs the fence because the Bangkaew will quietly,quickly and ferociously attack
1 year, 2 months ago
6 Months
7 People
House & Yard
First time with a thai bankeaw
1 year, 4 months ago
5 Years
2 People
House & Yard
Tonson lives in Thailand and he is trained to friendly towards other people. Tonson listens to command such as when a stranger approaches we can tell him not to bark or attack.he is very lovely and love to explore but when it’s breeding season he can be a little aggressive such as when being startled while sleeping or when in shock of a loud noice but frankly he is a lovely dog and a good companion
3 years, 7 months ago
14 Months
6 People
House & Yard
Despite socialising with children from 6 weeks, he has twice bitten and drawn blood from children. Also an elderly lady. Very stubborn when it comes to training. Loves to swim! Have had him de-sexed which has calmed him down a bit. But can’t trust him with strangers. We keep him contained or muzzled when we have people onto the property. I love him to bits.
7 years, 4 months ago
3 Years
2 People
House & Yard
This dog breed are intelligent and have a lot of energy and in Thailand it known as a very defensive dog cause no one is allow to enter their territory except their owner but that doesn't mean they are aggressive if you take them out side for a walk they are so friendly and even tried to avoid a fight with other dog and most importantly don't leave your dog away too long cause they want your attention well it about three time which I'm too busy to play with two of them so they ripped off an entire plant from everyone pot and when I saw it they just give me a puppy eye and tried to say sorry to me and another thing before let another people to come in your be sure that make bangkeaw familiar to that person or they not gonna let them enter your house
7 years, 3 months ago
It has no name.
3 Years
1 People
I ended up looking after this Bangkaew when his original owner was thrown in jail. Because of the abandonment he started acting out and becoming a annoyance in the neighbourhood. My local Vet asked for help so I volunteered because of my past dog training experience. Never have encountered this breed before our first contact was quite unpleasant, he was chained under a house in terrible circumstances. Regardless of the warnings of the local Thais I took on the challenge of rehabilitating this "Mad Breed Dog". It's been about 4 weeks and I have taken him in, he is the most devoted and loyal companion I have a dog to developed after such a short time. In about 4 days he chose me as his master and we've been inseparable since. He doesn't growl nor shows aggressive intentions, but he has 'preemptly' snip at people (particularly Burmese men) in their thighs or knees (nothing serious) as a warning when they are too close to me. I understand this is his watchdog nature, but I don't really need the protection. As I said it has been about a month now and I refuse to name him because of my fear of commitment specially in a country I might have to leave soon, yet he perfectly recognizes my voice and immediately answers to my whistle. I came across this page in the search of advanced training techniques to try to get him to stop being so distrustful of people. I have him on a leash and alternate to muzzle when necessary, he is the sweetest dog yet if this behaviour continues I fear they might just choose to put him down. thanks, -Max
5 years, 6 months ago
Beast B.
2 Years
4 People
Go to Beach
Play with dolls and toys
Train with snacks
make funny video clips
Run in the field
Beast's parents were brought from a farm in Pitsanulok, origin of Bangkaew breed. This boy has always been treating as a family member and raising along with an elder poodle. He's energetic when he wants to play. Super friendly to elderly and kids, but not so friendly with strangers unless we explain to him who they are. He also knows how to behave with different family members. Quite intelligent and reasonable.
4 years, 10 months ago
3 Years
5 People
Walking and playing
Saint is so aggressive. We have been socialising him since puppy but once he turned a year old, he kept biting strangers. We have to keep him in chain whenever there's a visitor.
4 years, 10 months ago
6 Months
4 People
House & Yard
playing in the yard
He is so sweet. He definitely loves our family and is very affectionate. He can be to aggressive when playing with the kids but that is just because they are young (3&6).
4 years, 9 months ago
10 Months
2 People
Our second Bangkaew - the first died of kidney failure despite extensive vet treatment. Sherlock is a different matter. We got him from the Pitsanlulok breeding kennels. He has a long pedigree and we met both his parents and grandparents at the kennels. He is registered with The Thai Bangkaew Kennel Club with certificaation and tattoo number. Sherlock is very energetic and he and our other dog often run at great speed around the house and garden snapping at each other [but not biting]. We have nearly one and a half rai for them to run in. He is very, very affectionate but also very protective. He is very aggressive with strangers but when I or my wife are there he can be controlled. Normally when strangers visit we put him into his cage. He has a tendency to kill everything that moves and cats, snakes, lizards, rats or anything else - even birds - get killed but neither of the dogs ever eats them. They just kill and leave. A great companion and at night we feel safe sleeping as he is on constant patrol around the property. We cannot, however, let him loose off the property. There is too much chance he would attack anyone who came near the property.
4 years, 6 months ago
3 Years
3 People
We got Fon as a pup along with his sister Dam while we were constructing our house. Since we had contractors coming and going a lot both dogs got used to people so never became great guard dogs how ever they would let you know if some one was prowling around at night. They both were terribly destructive and could not be trusted to be out of the cage un watched. They chewed everything, pot plants, then the pot, live water pipes, electrical outlet covers, motorbike footrests, even my boat trailer jack handle, even the concrete walls. Dam got run over so we ended up with Fon alone. Fon matured very well and lost his chewing habits as soon as Dam was gone, he has turned out be be a lovely buddy, very good with kids, they sneak up on him and scare him, he never shows any anger towards them. We wash him regularly and have started allowing him inside which he loves. Training wise, either too dumb or too lazy not sure which. Needs a firm hand and perseverance, quite stubborn and needs to be reminded who boss often. Grooming can be a pain as he gets biddy bids in his fur which causes dags. Health wise very good, no problems at all. Eats most things, absolutely loves pepperoni. Temperament, known to nip the odd person, tends to dislike certain people especially black people. But a very lovely fellow. Overall a great buddy, follow you around everywhere and brings you gifts, not particularly energetic. We love him.
4 years, 6 months ago
4 Years
5 People
House & Yard
Kayla is definitely challenging but when controlled she responds well. She is very distrustful of strangers but seems to switch suddenly from distrust to trust when she accepts someone. She then becomes extremely excited to see that person on future occasions. She will aggressively defend her food and we have learned to respect that. As her alpha owner I can do whatever I want -- remove her food dish in the face of growls and snarls -- but am one of the only people who can. She growls frequently and but this can be a threat or it can be playful and sometimes even seems to be the equivalent of a cat purring. She is definitely a challenging dog but the loyalty, playfulness and affection she shows is more than compensation. Having owned a variety of dogs, from labradors to huskies and some 'mutts' I can say Kayla is certainly the most complicated dog I have ever owned.
4 years, 2 months ago
Animal Expert Question Icon
Question - My pet

I have a pet dog. Someone told me that my dog is a Thailand Bangkaew Dog breed. I just want to confirm. I have photos, but I'll attach it when you reply to this in my email. Thank you.

Animal Expert Question Icon
Question - Behavior

Two bitches from same litter. They want to kill each other, now that they’re adults. Quite literally. We work with it by keeping them apart and they each have their own dog mate. So we have two pairs of dogs. They’re all de-sexed. We’ve learned to live with it and they all have good healthy happy lives. But wow it would be lovely to have all four getting along.

Animal Expert Question Icon
Question - New pet

I am looking for a good watch dog as well as a good loving pet very protective of its home for east by south east thailand. Ubon Ratchathani Thailand

Many breeds fit this bill including Mastiffs, Rottweilers, Akitas etc. Go for a dog that was traditionally employed in this role. Contact local breeders and rescue centres to see what your options are.
3 years, 9 months ago
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