Increased Appetite in Cats
Written By hannah hollinger
Published: 09/24/2016Updated: 01/14/2022
Veterinary reviewed by Michele K.
What is Increased Appetite?
Whether polyphagia is due to disease or psychological reasons, it is essential that you discover the exact nature behind your cat's increased appetite. A long-term complication with overeating can have dangerous effects on your cat's health and wellbeing.
Polyphagia is a term used to describe a substantial increase in appetite and food consumption. There are few diseases known to increase your cat's appetite, so the range of possible diagnoses is relatively small. However, physical ailments alone are not the sole causes, as a psychological issue can also have your cat increasing the amount of food it consumes.
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Symptoms of Increased Appetite in Cats
Including being aware of an increased appetite, there are a number of other signs that you should watch out for that may indicate your cat is suffering from another problem:
  • Increased thirst
  • Frequent urination
  • Abnormal weight gain/loss
  • Obesity
  • Vomiting (fast eating can lead to throwing the food up immediately after)
  • Diarrhea
  • Muscle atrophy (decreased muscle mass)
  • Large, protruding stomach
  • Change in behavior (e.g. obsession with food)
Causes of Increased Appetite in Cats
A handful of complications can serve as the root cause of your cat's new eating habits. Some of the common causes of an increased appetite are listed below:
  • Behavioral issues (e.g. overfeeding)
  • Pregnancy
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Cushing's Syndrome (Hyperadrenocorticism)
  • Certain medications
  • Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Diabetic ketoacidosis
  • Insulin-producing tumors
  • Malabsorption/maldigestion of food
Diagnosis of Increased Appetite in Cats
To begin to discover the cause of an increased appetite in your cat, your veterinarian will want to conduct a full physical examination. Furthermore, he or she will want to gather a complete medical history and a list of current medication, as that information can be highly important in determining whether the heightened appetite is due to a physical illness or a psychological response. Informing your vet of any changes in your cat's behavior can also greatly help in diagnosing the issue at hand.
After the initial evaluation, your vet will recommend a variety of screening tests. A complete blood count (CBC) can detect any infections or anemia. It can also reveal certain clues of conditions like Cushing's Syndrome or diabetes mellitus. Those with Cushing's often have an increase in white blood cells, while those with diabetes may suffer from a secondary infection that can also increase specific white blood cells, all of which can be seen once conducting a CBC. Further concerning Cushing's disease, a screening known as a low dose dexamethasone suppression test can help in diagnosing it.
A serum biochemistry profile can be used to evaluate the general health of your cat as well as to assess the function of vital organs. This test is usually best performed alongside a urinalysis as the urinalysis is vital in interpreting any changes found on the serum biochemistry profile. In addition, a urinalysis can detect the sugar found in urine which can help indicate diabetes.
There are a few additional tests that may be explored, such as an X-ray or an ultrasound of your cat's abdomen. Focusing on age, older and middle-aged cats are recommended to undergo a serum thyroid hormone (T4) level test. The test can check whether or not hyperthyroidism is a cause of the increased appetite.
Treatment of Increased Appetite in Cats
Once the actual cause of your cat's increased appetite has been rooted out, your vet will discuss with you the best course of action to treat the problem.
Change in Diet
Upon the diagnosis of a disease like IBD, low-fat and easily digestible food may help to improve the condition alongside medication. If the cause is determined to be purely behavioral, then your vet will propose you begin better monitoring your cat's food intake. To assist in curbing overeating, it is helpful to regulate the amount of food your cat consumes in one sitting. This can be done by breaking down their meals into several separate feedings throughout the day.
In the event that a pregnancy is behind the increased appetite, a diet change can help manage the overeating. You can provide your pet with food high in calories as they need that the most during the end of their pregnancy as well as during nursing.
A condition such as Cushing's Syndrome may require the use of specific medication in order to control the disease. In the case of diabetes mellitus, if diet change is not enough, then your vet will recommend the use of insulin injections to help treat it. Additionally, concerning diseases like IBD, your vet can prescribe antibiotics or steroids if a dietary change fails to improve the problem.
As certain medications can also cause an increased appetite, then your vet may encourage you to steadily discontinue use of the medication if it is possible.

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Recovery of Increased Appetite in Cats
Once a cause has been found and you and your vet have come up with the best treatment plan, then it is best to stick to said plan in order to properly assist in your cat's recovery. When it comes to a diet plan, your vet can help you choose good quality cat food that can help your pet take in the appropriate amount of daily metabolic requirements. Try to avoid overfeeding, especially in the case of treats for good behavior as that can lead to your cat developing an obsession with food.
Medication should also be given as prescribed. For instance, if your cat has been diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, then they must undergo daily insulin injections if they have been prescribed by your vet. Adherence to the plan laid out by your vet is important in improving the welfare of your cat. Be sure to schedule frequent follow-up appointments, as a re-evaluation can help indicate whether or not your cat's condition has improved or worsened.
Increased Appetite Average Cost
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Increased Appetite Questions and Advice from Veterinary Professionals
Burmese Cat
Three Years

22 found this helpful

22 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Increase In Appetite
My Female Burmese Cat is obsessed with food, Eats food really fast (sometimes making grunting noises), begs for food, and has gained weight. I don't know why and am wondering if something serious could be going on. We only feed her at morning and night and she is on healthy weight food and we are feeding her the recommended amount, about 2 months ago we used to leave food out all day as I have a male cat who isn't really interested in food all that much but now we feed them every morning and night separately.
July 29, 2020
Answered by Dr. Sara O. DVM
22 Recommendations
Hello, there are certain diseases that can cause your cat to want to eat more. Parasites are one thing that is very common. Your vet can check your cat for these diseases and start him on treatment. Some cats just love to eat and have nothing better to do but eat. It would be best to measure out your cat's food and only feed a certain amount to try to keep him from getting overweight.
July 30, 2020
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Bicolor female cat
Ten Years

33 found this helpful

33 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Always Hungry Ump On Right Side
Obsessed with food. Eats a lot but doesn't gain weight
July 26, 2020
Answered by Jessica N. DVM
33 Recommendations
Hello- Thank you for your question. I would recommend having an appointment scheduled with your veterinarian and have blood work performed. Hyperthyroidism is a common disease in older cats that causes their metabolism to speed up, them to become much more hungry, but not gain any weight. If bloodwork is normal your veterinarian may recommend abdominal imaging to make sure the G.I. tract looks normal.
July 26, 2020
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