My pet has the following symptoms:
Hi, I have a 4,5 month old kitten that has, according to ultrasound and blood sample, an inflammation in his small intestine and also in his pancreas. His ESR was high on the day when they did the ultrasound and took the blood sample, but two days later without any treatment it had gone down to a much better level, (perhaps even normal but I'm not sure). Next step is to do a new ultrasound and new blood test later this week, and the vet said that I should make up my mind if I want them to do a biopsy if it still doesn't look good, or start cortisone treatment.
The thing is, that my kitten is showing no symptoms what so ever. He is active, has good appetite, is drinking, and his poop is "healthy" looking.
Is it really necessary to do a biopsy if he's doing well? Is it more or less risky to do this procedure when it's just a kitten?
The reason for us going to the vet in the first place was because he had an eye problem.
Hope you understand me even if I'm not very good at medical terms in English :)