2 min read

Clicker Training for Dogs: Wag! 2-minute Training Treats

This 2 minute video gives an introduction to clicker training for dogs, specifically how to use a clicker to teach basic commands in conjunction with positive reinforcement training.

If you're a new pet parent looking to learn a few training tips, this video covers how to combine positive reinforcement and the clicker to teach helpful commands such as; name reinforcement training, no tension on the leash training, teaching the "touch" command to get your dog to come back to you, and teaching the "leave it" command to train your dog not to eat potentially harmful objects.

Hope you find it useful!

Video Transcription

Hey! I’m Christopher from Wag! and today we’re going to introduce the clicker to your dog.

So the clicker just lets your dog know that they did what you wanted them to do and it also lets them know that a treat is coming, because we’re going to be doing positive reinforcement training today.

Ok, now that we’ve introduced the clicker to our dog, we’re going to do some name reinforcement exercises.

Whether you have a puppy, or you just adopted a dog and you want to change their name, this name exercise is a really good technique to enforce your dog’s name in a positive manner.

Another great thing we can use is “touch,” which if your dog has run away, maybe they’ve run out into the street after seeing another dog, instead of yelling at them, or screaming their name, we’re just going to use a simple command along with multiple treats to get your dog to come back to you.

Another common problem dog owners have is pulling on the leash. Today, we’re going to show you a short exercise you can do with your pup to positively enforce no tension on the leash.

Now we’re going to go over “leave it.” If you’re walking your dog in an urban area, there can likely be a lot of trash/garbage, things on the street you don’t want your dog to eat, especially if they’re a puppy, so this technique is going to help a lot with that.

The thing we’re looking for with “leave it” is your dog to break focus from the treat and give you eye contact.


This video originally appeared on the Wag! YouTube Channel

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