Dog Boarding in Mcminnville

Browse Pet Caregiver profiles below to find the best dog boarder for your pet’s needs. Find nearby dog boarders who are experienced with your dog’s breed, age or size. Then choose from the available Caregivers to submit a request for your preferred date and time.
Best dog boarders in Mcminnville

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Best dog boarders in Mcminnville

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1. Alexandria T

McMinnville, OR, 97128

Five stars

4.9 (16)

Walk ·

Drop-In ·

Sitting ·


McMinnville, OR, 97128

2. hayley H

McMinnville, OR, 97128

Five stars

5 (0)

Walk ·

Drop-In ·

Sitting ·


McMinnville, OR, 97128

3. Laura T

McMinnville, OR, 97128

from$73per night

Five stars

5 (269)

Walk ·

Drop-In ·

Sitting ·


from$73per night

McMinnville, OR, 97128

4. Inci S

Dundee, OR, 97115

from$66per night

Five stars

5 (6)

Walk ·

Drop-In ·

Sitting ·


from$66per night

Dundee, OR, 97115

How to book pet caregivers near me
  • Skip the kennel

    Sittings take place at your home and boardings take place at your pet caregiver's home.

  • Flexible transportation

    All pet caregivers offer pick-up and drop-off for boarding services.

  • Live updates

    Your pet caregiver will send photos and videos throughout the service in addition to a thorough report card.

Why find pet care through Wag!?

Wag! is the nation's fastest-growing network of vetted and background checked pet sitters, overnight boarding, dog walkers, dog trainers, and even virtual vet chat. Schedule ahead for pet care while you are away, or book on-demand pet care during the workday. In minutes you can book a nearby dog sitter, daycare provider, or dog walker, who'll take complete care of your loved one - at their place or yours.

Customer Reviews

Going on vacation? Dog Boarders through Wag! are available to care for your pup whenever you’re not. Every dog boarder has passed an enhanced background check. Get updates and photos through the app from the pet boarder while you are away.

Tiffany J.-avatar



Thank you for another amazing walk, Laura! The boys love you so much and look forward to seeing you every week!

Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars
Sandy S.-avatar



Best walker and friend to Atlas! Thank you so much for making our weekend fun and complete! Truly, you re wonderful!

Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars
Sandy S.-avatar



Thank you for loving and caring so much for Atlas! He looks forward to seeing you each weekend! Enjoy the meteor shower and see you next week!

Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars
Jennifer R.-avatar



Oliver seemed to get a good walk and needed it. Thank you!

Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars
Kelli C.-avatar



Thank you Laura for helping me with a difficult situation, you are amazing, the best! Sorry for all the mix up.

Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars
Jacqueline B.-avatar



Laura is the best ever fog walker. Communicates well with both Bailey Girl and her momma. On time and I really feel safe leaving Bailey in Laura's capable hands.

Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars
Jacqueline B.-avatar



Laura always is on time and cares for Bailey as directed. I don't let just any person take her out as she is my service dog. Since my injury I haven't been able to walk Bailey as she deserves and Laura reinforces all the training we previously did and paid for. I highly recommend her.

Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars
Anna  S.-avatar



She did great with Harlow and was really fast when it came to communication!

Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars
Erin G.-avatar



Thank you so much! Yes she loves to play fetch so I m sure assumed you were there to throw her ball. .

Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars
Kennedie K.-avatar



We love Alexandria! My dog loves Alexandria! She showed up a little early and was wonderful and took directions very well I will be adding her to my preferred caregiver list. I love this song.

Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars
Tiffany J.-avatar



Thank you for another amazing walk, Laura! The boys love you so much and look forward to seeing you every week!

Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars
Sandy S.-avatar



Best walker and friend to Atlas! Thank you so much for making our weekend fun and complete! Truly, you re wonderful!

Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars
Sandy S.-avatar



Thank you for loving and caring so much for Atlas! He looks forward to seeing you each weekend! Enjoy the meteor shower and see you next week!

Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars
Jennifer R.-avatar



Oliver seemed to get a good walk and needed it. Thank you!

Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars
Kelli C.-avatar



Thank you Laura for helping me with a difficult situation, you are amazing, the best! Sorry for all the mix up.

Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars
Jacqueline B.-avatar



Laura is the best ever fog walker. Communicates well with both Bailey Girl and her momma. On time and I really feel safe leaving Bailey in Laura's capable hands.

Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars
Frequently asked questions
How much does a dog boarding cost in Mcminnville, OR?
How do I find and choose a pet sitter in Mcminnville, OR?
Do pet sitters stay overnight?
How to book a dog boarding or pet sitting in Mcminnville, OR?

Learn more in the Wag! app

Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars

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