
Courageous and loyal, the Doberman Pinscher is among the top dog breeds in America. While considered to be one of the world's best guard dogs, this powerful and intelligent breed isn't for everyone. Dobermans are built to work, so you can expect them to have tons of energy. These athletic pups need lots of daily exercise and mental challenges! For people who live active lifestyles, the Doberman Pinscher is the pawfect partner. Always alert and elegant, a Dobie will gladly accompany you on long walks and hikes. And though they have a vicious reputation, well-bred and properly socialized Dobermans are actually woofderful family dogs who are gentle with young children!

Home Preparation

Congratulations on your new Dobie puppy! Before your fuzzy bundle of joy sets paw inside your home, it's time to go shopping for some basic supplies. Your Doberman pup will need an age-appropriate dog food, food and water bowls, a collar and leash, toys, bedding, a crate, and grooming tools such as a short-bristled brush or grooming mitt. Despite their short coats, Dobies still need to be brushed regularly and bathed occasionally. Don't forget to puppy-proof your home as well! Your curious pup will try to chew or eat whatever they can, so be sure to move all potential hazards, breakables, and valuables such as electrical cords, household chemicals, and poisonous plants out of reach. Baby gates are also useful in preventing your pooch from entering off-limits areas of the house!

Create a Schedule

Another thing that must be ticked off your to-do list prior to puppy's arrival is a schedule. If there are multiple people in the household, it's impawtant to determine who will be the primary caretaker. Figure out ahead of time who will be in charge of feeding the puppy three to four times a day, taking them outside for potty breaks, exercising them, and making vet appointments for vaccinations and deworming. Keep in mind that young puppers have little bladder control and can only hold it in for one hour per month of age. If everyone in the family works or goes to school full-time, hire a Wag! walker so that your puppy has a chance to go outside during the day.

What to Expect the First Week

Help your Dobie pup adjust to their new home by keeping the mood calm and pleasant during the first couple of days. Minimize destruction of your belongings through your pup’s teething phase by providing chew toys. Spend lots of time with your pup! Doberman Pinschers like being close to their people and do great when they're included in family activities. With proper care, training, and socialization, your Doberman pup will quickly become a devoted member of the family!

Spaced Out

Feed multiple small meals throughout the day to discourage bloat.


Dobies are easy to train as long as you keep it fun.

Slow and Steady

Dobies can take a few years to reach full maturity.
A Walk For A Healthier Pup
Give your pup some extra love and fresh air with this Wag! Walk
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A Walk For A Healthier Pup
Give your pup some extra love and fresh air with this Wag! Walk
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*Valid only for first time customers