Airport Dog Park

0 Reviews
Park Rule: Off Leash
Restroom: Unknown
Park Size: Large
Small Dog Area: Yes
Fee: None

The Airport Dog Park is an off-leash dog park in Hollister, California. The dog park is out on the edge of town and has a parking lot for those arriving by vehicle. This off-leash dog exercising area was created by funding from the Community Foundation for the San Benito County, Hollister City and monies raised at charitable events run by the HDOG or Hollister Dog Owners Group. 

The pooches of Hollister thank them all wholeheartedly for their efforts and the great space they now have to play in. This dog park in Hollister is, as the name suggests, right by the town's airport. It is in fact, so close to the runways; if a dog escapes from the off-leash compound, it could probably catch a flight to New Mexico just as it was taking off. 

While it does take a few dogs time to adjust to the noise of taxi-ing aircraft, others are easily distracted by hunting the gophers which inhabit the off-leash compounds. There are lots of trees in the off-leash enclosures and some agility apparatus as well as burrowing rodents. Dogs are guaranteed a fun time at this dog park. 

All dogs need to have their leash removed when in a dog park environment. If they're kept on a leash, they're unable to socialize in the correct way which can cause tension between fur buddies and lead to aggressive behavior. Displays of bad humor in the dog park are best avoided where possible as it could result in banishment, and no pup wants to lose their free time because of a leash. 

The one thing which does need to be banished from the off-leash areas is every single piece of puppy feces. Bags and bins have been provided, it just takes willing pet parents to use them efficiently, and the park will remain poo free. The Airport Dog Park is a great place to spend the day with Fido.

Wag! does not allow or encourage Pet Care Providers to bring dogs to parks.
1760F Airline Highway #191
Hollister, CA 95023
Mon Sunrise - Sunset
Tue Sunrise - Sunset
Wed Sunrise - Sunset
Thu Sunrise - Sunset
Fri Sunrise - Sunset
Sat Sunrise - Sunset
Sun Sunrise - Sunset
1760F Airline Highway #191
Hollister, CA 95023
Mon Sunrise - Sunset
Tue Sunrise - Sunset
Wed Sunrise - Sunset
Thu Sunrise - Sunset
Fri Sunrise - Sunset
Sat Sunrise - Sunset
Sun Sunrise - Sunset