Intestinal Parasites
Intestinal parasites can make dogs very sick. Some intestinal parasites can also be transmitted to people. Intestinal parasites can be a very serious problem in puppies (causing poor growth and development). Common intestinal parasites include hookworms, roundworms, tapeworm, coccidia and giardia. Intestinal parasites can cause a swollen abdomen, vomiting, diarrhea, failure to absorb nutrients, emaciation, intestinal obstruction and lethargy.
Hunger may be causing the gurgling and rumbling in your dog’s stomach. Hunger pain noises are more common prior to breakfast or before dinner. Many veterinarians suggest 2 or 3 smaller meals instead of one meal. An empty stomach can cause your dog to vomit bile. An empty stomach and bile cycle is called bilious vomiting syndrome.
Swallowing Air
If your dog hurriedly consumes his meals, he may be swallowing a lot of air along with his food. The excess air in the intestines will cause a noisy stomach. Not only can eating too fast cause a noisy stomach, it can also cause choking, stomach discomfort, flatulence and vomiting. Some researchers believe that swallowing excess air while eating can also lead to gastric dilatation-volvulus (bloat). Bloat in dogs is a life-threatening condition.
The pancreas is a gland that produces digestive enzymes and hormones. If too many digestive enzymes are produced, they can start breaking down the dog’s pancreas. Inflammation of the pancreas can be caused by a high-fat diet, obesity, trauma, genetic predisposition, diabetes, medications, and hypothyroidism. Additional symptoms may include repeated vomiting, pain, distended abdomen, loss of appetite, dehydration, fever and weakness.
Foreign Object
If your dog swallowed a foreign object (rock, toy, plastic, stick, fabric) it will cause a painful blockage in the digestive tract. Additional symptoms may include gagging, vomiting, not eating, constipation, and lethargy. An intestinal blockage can lead to necrosis of the intestinal tissue and/or a perforation of the intestinal walls.
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Inflammatory bowel disease is the inflammation of digestive tract. The digestive tract inflammation may be caused by genetics, diet, infectious agents, and immune system abnormalities. Your dog may have mucus in the stool, loose bowel movements, anorexia, depression and vomiting.