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Best dog walkers in Peyton

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Elazar L avatar

1. Elazar L

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Elbert, CO, 80106


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Elbert, CO, 80106

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Melissa  S avatar

2. Melissa S

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Peyton, CO, 80831


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5 (19)

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Peyton, CO, 80831

Shannon B avatar

3. Shannon B

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Peyton, CO, 80831


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4.9 (96)

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Peyton, CO, 80831

Sarah D avatar

4. Sarah D

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Peyton, CO, 80831


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4.9 (305)

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Peyton, CO, 80831

Kaley  S avatar

5. Kaley S

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Peyton, CO, 80831


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4.3 (6)

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Peyton, CO, 80831

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Wag! is the nation's fastest-growing network of vetted and background checked pet sitters, overnight boarding, dog walkers, dog trainers, and even virtual vet chat. Schedule ahead for pet care while you are away, or book on-demand pet care during the workday. In minutes you can book a nearby dog sitter, daycare provider, or dog walker, who'll take complete care of your loved one - at their place or yours.

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Why book a dog walker in Peyton?

Peyton, CO has plenty of "pawesome" places for your pup to explore, and booking a walk through Wag! is the easiest way to let them get out to sniff, scratch, and spot squirrels. Local dog walkers all over the Peyton, CO are vetted by Wag! and ready to pick up your pooch for a stroll around the neighborhood. Many Peyton, CO parks are dog-friendly and have plenty of space for your pup to get their steps in. Whether you're stuck at work or out on your own adventure, book a trusted dog walker to keep your pup happy and healthy.

The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Peyton



McLaughlin Road

The Rock Island Regional Trail is one of the best features of the McLaughlin neighborhood. As a previously used railroad corridor, the trail is perfect to walk your pup and enjoy nature. This 23-mile trial parallel to Highway 24. The views are great, and you and your pup can see such stunning features as Pikes Peak, Rattlesnake Buttes, and Homestead Ranch. At the beginning of the Falcon Trailhead, you can take a break at the picnic tables and refill your water bottles. If you are looking for a treat, head over to Culver’s and enjoy a fresh frozen custard or a ButterBurger at one of the dog-friendly outdoor tables. 



Woodman Hills

When searching for a peaceful area to walk your pup in the Woodman Hills neighborhood, head over to Balcon Park. Located on the corner of Lambert and Kingston Heath Road, you and your pooch can stroll through the large fields, and the kids can hang out at the playground. The lush grass is perfect for Fido to roll and romp, just make sure to bring your own waste bags and water bottles. Horseshoe Park is another option when walking your pooch. The trails around the park are perfect for exercising Fido while the kids play on the basketball court. 



Homestead Ranch

Living in the Homestead Ranch neighborhood offers families and their pups an amazing park and historical area. Homestead Ranch Park is perfect for a family picnic with Fido, and you can stroll around the fishing pond while your pup frolics in the grass. You can refill water bottles at the restroom building and climb to the top of the trail to admire the windmill. You can either hike on the east or west loop for a total length of 3.3 miles. You need to keep your pooch on a leash as the area is also frequently used by horses. 



Meridian Ranch

The Meridian Ranch neighborhood features a nice recreation center where the kids can play, and you can walk your pup in the open area and let him sniff and frolic in the grass. When you need a longer walk, The Greens Park is perfect. You will probably meet up with other puppy parents walking along the paths and enjoying the fresh air.  Peaceful and serene, the park is well kept, but you need to bring your own doggie waste bags and clean up after Fido.



Fox Run

Twenty miles west of Peyton in the Fox Run neighborhood of Colorado Springs, pup owners can enjoy some great exercise at Fox Run Dog Park. Found in the middle of the 412-acre Regional Park, this dog park offers 5 acres of fenced area with a loop trail for walking laps. While Fido enjoys playing a game of fetch, his owners can relax on the benches and chat with other pup lovers. The park also offers doggie waste bags and trash cans, so you can clean up after Fido. Beautiful ponderosa pines overlooking the Spruce and Aspen Lakes are views that can be seen along the trails outside the dog park. Take the time to enjoy nature with your pooch all throughout this barkerific park.  

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in Peyton, CO?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in Peyton, CO?


How long does a dog walk last in Peyton, CO?


How to book a dog walk in Peyton, CO?


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