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Best dog walkers in Waimea

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Why find pet care through Wag!?

Wag! is the nation's fastest-growing network of vetted and background checked pet sitters, overnight boarding, dog walkers, dog trainers, and even virtual vet chat. Schedule ahead for pet care while you are away, or book on-demand pet care during the workday. In minutes you can book a nearby dog sitter, daycare provider, or dog walker, who'll take complete care of your loved one - at their place or yours.

Why book a dog walker in Waimea?

Your pup wants to see the Waimea, HI sights just as much as you do, whether they're taking a quick spin around the block or frolicking in their favorite nearby park. Dog walkers on the Wag! platform are experienced with dogs of all shapes and sizes, ensuring your dog is safe and happy as they explore Waimea, HI. You can work, play, or run errands knowing you don't have to worry about pet care while you're out.

The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Waimea




Waimea isn’t separated into distinct neighborhoods, but instead is a census-designated area on the Kauai island with a low population. Still, it's a popular spot for travelers. Waimea sits on the Waimea Bay and features scenic, resort-style beaches, some of which allow your pup to run and splash if he’s on his leash. A popular place here is JoJo’s Shave Ice, which has more than 60 flavors of the deliciously cool treat – and some outdoor tables at which your pooch can join you! You can also bring him to Ishihara Market’s outdoor seating area to enjoy some local seafood and mouth-watering sushi.




About 21 miles from Waimea is the Poipu neighborhood of Koloa. This area is home to the popular Poipu Beach Park, which has gorgeous sand and water and was also named “America’s Best Beach” by the Travel Channel. Dogs are welcome to visit the beach with their owners on their leashes, but they need to stay away from Monk Seals, which often give birth in the area. Right near the park is Bubba’s, a local eatery known for its delicious burgers. The restaurant has an outdoor table set aside especially for dog owners and their pups – he can even enjoy a Bubba Burger that’s safe for dogs!



Nawiliwili Ahupua'a

A 25-minute drive from Waimea will bring you to Nawiliwili Ahupua’a, a neighborhood in Lihue, Hawaii. This area is just a few miles from the water so you can enjoy some of the island’s beautiful beaches of the east coast. And, you’ll have your pick of dining areas in the neighborhood that will welcome your pup to eat with you. A favorite shave ice parlor in the area is Uncle’s Shave Ice, which has outdoor seating for you to sit with your pup. After you cool off, head to Freddie’s Dog Park, which the Kauai Humane Society owns and operates. This beautiful park has separate areas for small and large dogs, lots of grass, and benches for owners.



Town Center

On the other side of the island from Waimea is the town center of Kapaa, which will take you about 56 minutes to drive to. This area is the home of Kealia Beach, a beautiful beach that’s one of the hosts of the Kapaa Coastal Path that runs along the cost, which is a perfect path for walking or biking while enjoying some amazing scenery. Your leashed dog is welcome on the beach – just make sure you clean up after him! A few minutes from the beach is the wildly popular Green Pig food truck, which has outdoor tables that welcome your furry pal.




A short distance south of Kapaa’s Town Center and about a 50-minute drive from Waimea is Wailua in Kapaa, where there are plenty of dog-friendly restaurants to enjoy. Verde Restaurant is a hot spot with unique Mexican cuisine and plenty of outdoor seating for you and your pup. If you’re looking for some outdoor activity, head to the Kauai Path, a part of the Rails-to-Trails organization that gives you a gorgeous, serene place to walk, jog, or bike with your dog in tow. Of course, the area is also surrounded by the Kauai coast, so feel free to take a splash and cool off your paws!

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in Waimea, HI?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in Waimea, HI?


How long does a dog walk last in Waimea, HI?


How to book a dog walk in Waimea, HI?


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