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Best dog walkers in Anderson

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April H avatar

1. April H

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Anderson, IN, 46016


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4.9 (422)

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Anderson, IN, 46016

Windy J avatar

2. Windy J

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Anderson, IN, 46016


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4.9 (418)

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Anderson, IN, 46016

Cassie A avatar

3. Cassie A

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Anderson, IN, 46013


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5 (0)

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Anderson, IN, 46013

Briana G avatar

4. Briana G

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Anderson, IN, 46012


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5 (0)

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Anderson, IN, 46012

Megan N avatar

5. Megan N

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Anderson, IN, 46011


Five stars

3 (2)

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Anderson, IN, 46011

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Why book a dog walker in Anderson?

Need a dog walker in a pinch? Vetted Pet Caregivers in the Anderson, IN area are just a few taps away when you use the Wag! app to book a walk for your dog. Once you've found the "pawfect" dog walker near you, you can save your dog walker as a preferred Caregiver for easy booking the next time you need them. Anderson, IN dog walkers are background checked by Wag! and rated by other local Pet Parents so you don't have to worry about your dog while you're out.

The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Anderson



West Anderson

This dog-friendly neighborhood is a dog’s fantasy land. The Canine Companion Corral is the pawfect place to let your pooch run free. This 1-acre off-leash dog park requires a pooch pass, which you can get from the city’s parks department. Your pooch will love running through the lush green grass and playing on the doggy obstacles here. Even though this park is small, there are plenty of shady areas for when it gets too hot. Be sure to bring water and some doggy bags for clean-up! No one likes a litterbug.




This dog-friendly neighborhood will help you to bond with your pooch. The Waggin’ Tails Bark Park at Louis Jenn Memorial Park is an off-leash dog park that requires a membership. For locals, it is a $40 fee per year. Out-of-towners will need to pay $50 per year. Because it is a very well-kept park with lush green grass, it only allows a certain amount of memberships. This way, the park will never be too crowded, which makes it great for timid dogs and humans. Your pooch will love playing on the obstacle course equipment. There are also water fountains for owners as well as dogs. There are places for shade and you will need to bring your own doggy bags. For a fun day with your pooch, be sure to visit this dog park.




If you’re looking for a place where your dog can burn off some energy, Greenfield has got just the place for you. This town is located about 27 miles from Anderson, and is home to the Rover’s Run Dog Park. This is an off-leash dog park that requires a membership to visit. The cost is relatively low, $40 per year for residents and $50 per year for non-residents. You will also have to provide proof that your pooch is vaccinated for rabies. Your pup will love the grassy wide open space to run around, and the park offers a watering station when a pup gets thirsty. This park is fenced in and has several paved walkways with shade trees. Rover’s Run is the pawfect place for you and Fido to stretch your legs!




This neighborhood is located northeast from Anderson. The Bark Park at ARF is an off-leash dog park that has a lot of open space for your pooch to run around. There is water available and benches with shade trees. Agility equipment is available for your pooch to play on, and you can take Fido for a walk on the Cardinal Greenway. Just keep in mind this walkway is paved so it may get hot for your pooch’s paws. There is a membership fee required, as well as proof of your pup being vaccinated for rabies and also proof of being spayed or neutered. Your pooch is sure to enjoy the two separate areas that are available to play in.



West Muncie

Want to get out of Anderson for the day? Lace up your best tennis shoes and leash up Fido before heading out to West Muncie, approximately 20 minutes from Anderson. You won't want to miss the White River Greenway. This is a 5.6 mile trial that is part of Rails-to-Trails, a nationwide conservancy project that turns old rail lines into walking paths. This trail runs next to the White River and is made of asphalt. If you and your pooch are looking to enjoy some time checking out nature, this is the trail for you. Be sure to grab some water and your pup’s leash for a fun day full of walking.

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in Anderson, IN?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in Anderson, IN?


How long does a dog walk last in Anderson, IN?


How to book a dog walk in Anderson, IN?


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