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Best dog walkers in Paducah

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Sophia B avatar

1. Sophia B

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Murray, KY, 42071


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4.9 (656)

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Murray, KY, 42071

Andrew P avatar

2. Andrew P

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Madison, TN, 37115


Five stars

5 (2)

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Madison, TN, 37115

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Why find pet care through Wag!?

Wag! is the nation's fastest-growing network of vetted and background checked pet sitters, overnight boarding, dog walkers, dog trainers, and even virtual vet chat. Schedule ahead for pet care while you are away, or book on-demand pet care during the workday. In minutes you can book a nearby dog sitter, daycare provider, or dog walker, who'll take complete care of your loved one - at their place or yours.

Why book a dog walker in Paducah?

Is your pup ready for a stroll around the neighborhood? Find local dog walkers in Paducah, KY who are background checked and vetted by Wag!. Easily schedule recurring walks ahead of time for days when you're in the office, or book on demand when you're out on the town and can't get home in time to walk your dog. Wag! is here to help you ensure your pup can enjoy the sniffs and sights around your Paducah, KY neighborhood, even sending you pictures during the walk and notifications when your furry family member does their business.

The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Paducah



West Paducah

Unfortunately there are no dog parks in West Paducah, Kentucky. However, the neighborhood is home to Stuart Nelson Park. Although not a dog park, it is dog-friendly. The park has plenty of lush green grass and sports fields. Furthermore, the park has plenty of space for your dog to run around and play. However, there are not many amenities in the park, so you will have to take your own water, doggie poop bags and toys. Just make sure you take a leash with you because the park is often used by the community for various sporting events.



Calvert City

Located a mere 18 miles from Paducah is Calvert City. Like Paducah, there are zero dog parks in Calvert City. However, the city is home to one extremely interesting park, the Apple Valley Hillbilly Garden and Toyland Museum. The park is just as interesting as it sounds. It is not a dog park, but it is a mostly outdoor museum where you can walk with your dog! This nostalgic park has plenty of things to see and is extremely entertaining for people and dogs of all ages. Just be sure you take your own leash and doggie poop bags. 




Most dog lovers are willing to do anything for their pups. If you drive a mere 35 miles from your home in Paducah to Eddyville, you can go to the Mineral Mound State Park. You will be amazed at the beauty you will find in this park. The parks have lots of trails, seating and shaded areas. The park is also frequented by other animals such as deer and snakes. However, it is not an off-leash park, so you do need to take a leash and keep an eye on your dog. Trust us, you will have a pawsome time at the Mineral Mound State Park!




Located in the great state of Illinois is the city of Metropolis. Even though it’s in a different state, it’s only a mere 13 miles from Paducah. There are no dog parks in Metropolis, but the city is home to Fort Massac State Park. The park has an old historic fort, trails and great access to the Ohio River. This makes the park a perfect place to spend a hot summer day. After a walk in the park, you and your dog can cool off in the water. However, it is not a dog park so make sure you take a leash and plenty of your own doggie amenities. 




Cave-In-Rock, Illinois is more of a day trip for dog owners than a quick afternoon spent at the park. Cave-In-Rock State Park is nearly 62 miles from Paducah, Kentucky. The park has large rock structures and looks over the bright blue Ohio River. You can enjoy over 240 acres of nature at its finest. Fishing, boating, camping, bird-watching and hiking are just a few of the activities offered here. The park has a Southern charm that you won’t find anywhere else. However, it is pretty secluded, so make sure you take plenty of food, water and entertainment for yourself and your dog.

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in Paducah, KY?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in Paducah, KY?


How long does a dog walk last in Paducah, KY?


How to book a dog walk in Paducah, KY?


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