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Best dog walkers in Derby

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Austin R avatar

1. Austin R

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Orient, OH, 43146


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Orient, OH, 43146

Taylor W avatar

2. Taylor W

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Grove City, OH, 43123


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5 (2)

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Grove City, OH, 43123

Madelyn B avatar

3. Madelyn B

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Grove City, OH, 43123


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5 (49)

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Grove City, OH, 43123

Oksana D avatar

4. Oksana D

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Grove City, OH, 43123


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1 (1)

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Grove City, OH, 43123

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Wag! is the nation's fastest-growing network of vetted and background checked pet sitters, overnight boarding, dog walkers, dog trainers, and even virtual vet chat. Schedule ahead for pet care while you are away, or book on-demand pet care during the workday. In minutes you can book a nearby dog sitter, daycare provider, or dog walker, who'll take complete care of your loved one - at their place or yours.

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Why book a dog walker in Derby?

Your pup wants to see the Derby, OH sights just as much as you do, whether they're taking a quick spin around the block or frolicking in their favorite nearby park. Dog walkers on the Wag! platform are experienced with dogs of all shapes and sizes, ensuring your dog is safe and happy as they explore Derby, OH. You can work, play, or run errands knowing you don't have to worry about pet care while you're out.

The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Derby



Brewery District

If you want to give your pup a special treat, head 30 minutes outside of Derby to Columbus and visit the Scioto Audubon Dog Park. This large, off-leash dog park has separate areas for big and small dogs and plenty of room to run around. There’s also several pieces of agility equipment for more adventurous dogs. Water fountains are provided for both you and Fido, and if you get tired of running around with your pooch, no problem; there’s plenty of shady seating so that you can take a break.




Located ten miles east of Derby is Grove City, and Grove City is home to Breck Community Park. While Breck Community Park might not technically be a dog park, there are four separate areas that are fenced in, designed specifically for off-leash play with your pup. Let your dog run around and burn off some of that pent-up energy, all while making some new four-legged fur-riends. Once you’re done in that section of the park, grab Fido’s leash and explore the rest of the park; your dog will thank you.



Batelle Darby Creek

Located 20 minutes northeast of Derby is Galloway’s Batelle Darby Creek Park, which is sure to be fun for your dog. Every dog loves a walk, and Batelle Darby Creek Park has dog-friendly trails so that you and your four-legged friend can explore. Take in the local wildlife all while getting in daily exercise for you and Fido. While this park does have a small off-leash section, a leash is required to access most of the park. So grab your walking shoes, some water, and Fido’s leash; this walk is sure to be an adventure!




Downtown London, Ohio is located about thirty minutes northwest of Derby, and if you’re willing to make the drive, your pooch will be sure to thank you! Head to Cowling Park just off of Main Street; while this park does require a leash, your pet will have fun exploring all that the park has to offer. Downtown London also has an access point to the Prairie Grass Trail, which allows you and your pup to take in some beautiful views while getting in your daily walk. A leash is required on this trail, and it’s recommended you watch out for wildlife.



Deer Creek State Park

If you’re looking for a fun way to spend a day with your fur-iend, head nine miles south of Derby to Mount Sterling, and visit Deer Creek State Park. This state park has various trails for you and Fido to explore; just make sure to bring a leash, as one is required. There are also certain sections of the park where you pooch can go for a swim in one of the ponds. If you’re feeling particularly adventurous, bring along a tent and spend the night at the campground. Whatever you decide to do, you and Fido will have a ball!

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in Derby, OH?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in Derby, OH?


How long does a dog walk last in Derby, OH?


How to book a dog walk in Derby, OH?


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