Best dog walkers in Mill City

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Best dog walkers in Mill City

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Kelsie W avatar

1. Kelsie W

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Mehama, OR, 97383


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Mehama, OR, 97383

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Why find pet care through Wag!?

Wag! is the nation's fastest-growing network of vetted and background checked pet sitters, overnight boarding, dog walkers, dog trainers, and even virtual vet chat. Schedule ahead for pet care while you are away, or book on-demand pet care during the workday. In minutes you can book a nearby dog sitter, daycare provider, or dog walker, who'll take complete care of your loved one - at their place or yours.

Why book a dog walker in Mill City?

Top-rated dog walkers in Mill City, OR are standing by to take your dog on walk around your neighborhood. Browse Caregiver profiles to find dog walkers that are experienced with your pet's specific needs, or let the Wag! platform match you with a highly rated dog walker that's local to your Mill City, OR neighborhood. You can even ask your dog walker to feed your pup a meal after their walk! Simply download the Wag! app to get started with your Pet Parent profile.

The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Mill City



Mill City

The Kimmel Park Play Area is a great park to go and explore with your furry pal by your side. The park sits along the Santiam River and offers a playground, covered picnic area, plenty of grass for fetch, and trees for shade. There is an access point to the river where Fido can cool off, and a dirt path where you and Fido can walk around together. Make sure to keep your dog on a leash when you are out at the park, and don't forget your clean-up bags.


Elkhorn Canyon

The North Santiam State Recreation Area is a riverfront recreational area that you and Fido can explore together. The park offers campsites, fishing, picnic spots, and hiking trails. The North Fork Park Lyons sits along the Santiam River and has some great hiking trails that you and Fido can use for a walk together while you are out visiting. Take a moment to cool off in the river while you are hiking around. Located in Lyons and only nine miles out from Mill City, your dog will love visiting these two parks alongside you.


East Lyons

Spend a day out at the Bear Creek County Park with your furry pal. The park offers camping, fishing, and hiking along the river, and while you are out you will be shaded by trees. Take advantage of the hiking trails that go throughout the park and get a good walk in with your furry pal. Make sure when you are out exploring the park together to keep Fido on a leash, and don't forget to bring clean-up bags and water along with you. This pawesome park is located just down the road in Lyons.



Hang out at the Packsaddle County Park with your furry pal. The six-acre park offers picnic tables, a boat ramp, fishing, and restrooms. The park is open from 8 a.m. until sunset, giving you more than enough time to go out and explore. The park is filled with hiking trails that you and Fido can use. Make sure your pup stays on a leash while out at the park which is in Gates, and only three miles out from Mill City. 




The Silver Falls State Park is a beautiful, serene park that is filled with waterfalls, campsites, and cabins for you and your pup. The park offers a nine-mile loop trail that you both can use for a nice walk. The park features a 177-foot waterfall that is perfect to stop at before heading back home. There are bears and cougars in the remote part of the park, so keep an eye on your pup while you are out exploring. Located in Sublimity, and eighteen miles out from Mill City, your pup will love hanging out at this park.

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in Mill City, OR?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in Mill City, OR?


How long does a dog walk last in Mill City, OR?


How to book a dog walk in Mill City, OR?


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