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Best dog walkers in Roseburg

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Lori P avatar

1. Lori P

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Round Prairie, OR, 97457


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Round Prairie, OR, 97457

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Why find pet care through Wag!?

Wag! is the nation's fastest-growing network of vetted and background checked pet sitters, overnight boarding, dog walkers, dog trainers, and even virtual vet chat. Schedule ahead for pet care while you are away, or book on-demand pet care during the workday. In minutes you can book a nearby dog sitter, daycare provider, or dog walker, who'll take complete care of your loved one - at their place or yours.

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Why book a dog walker in Roseburg?

With GPS tracking, in-app chat, and photos of your dog's walk, the Wag! app is the perfect way to book a dog walk for your pup. Roseburg, OR dog walkers know your neighborhood and are experienced in keeping your dog safe while they sniff around the block. Whether your pup needs a quick 30-minute walk or a longer 1-hour adventure, dog walkers in Roseburg, OR are ready help. Booking through the Wag! app is easy — simply set up your dog's profile and browse local Caregivers in minutes.

The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Roseburg



Southeast Roseburg

Your pup will enjoy the short walk around Thompson Park while the kids play on the play structures, swings, 1/2 basketball court and the open lawn. Fido would love a dogtastic round of fetch or frisbee in the open area of the park. For more outdoor fun, head to the nearby Eagles Park. Here, your pup can enjoy a quick jaunt around this small park and some play time on the open lawn. Your pooch can grab a drink at the dog water fountains. Bring along your lunch and enjoy the chess board picnic tables before heading back home. 




Brown Park is a small area with plenty of playground equipment for the kids, and space for some exercise for Fido. The park is beautifully landscaped in the summer with flowers and offers a picnic area and drinking fountains, so be sure to bring a bowl for your pup. Need more to tire out that dog? Bring him to the small Quintus Park for some fun on the beautiful lawn areas. Take a walk through this neighborhood park, or bring a picnic to enjoy on the picnic tables here. There's also a playground and a basketball court for the kids.


Garden Valley/ Stephens

Grab your leash and head to Gaddis Park where there’s an adventure for everyone in the family. Your kiddos will enjoy the playground and sports fields, while you and Fido enjoy your walk to the trailhead of the Stewart Park Bike/Hike Path which runs through Gaddis Park along the river. Keep on the path to nearby Stewart Park to explore trains, or you just take Fido down by the river for a snifftastic adventure. Bring a picnic lunch along and enjoy the outdoors for a while longer. Riverfront Park runs along the S. Umpqua River, and is a perfect spot for a pawsome walk with your pup.




Your pooch will love Beaulah Park and its vast open lawns. The nearly 7-acre park has more than half its space in a natural state. What a perfect spot for a snifftastic walk. You’ll enjoy the paved walking trail that runs around the playgrounds and basketball court. Deer Creek Park nearby is one of the largest wet prairie lands remaining, making it also one of the most beautiful between May and June when the wildflowers bloom. Your pooch will love to explore here and enjoy the birds that frequent the area and come close enough to tease. Keep your pup leashed!



NW Dogwood Street

Your pup will go into full body wag at the sight of the Charles Gardiner Park. Take a stroll on the paved pathways throughout the park, and enjoy Newton Creek for some fun time in the water on a hot summer’s day. Bring along a lunch and enjoy a picnic at the park benches, or just take a rest along the path as you enjoy spending a little more time outdoors before heading back home. The lovely trees throughout the park provide shade and fun spots for Fido to explore for squirrels or other park life.

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in Roseburg, OR?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in Roseburg, OR?


How long does a dog walk last in Roseburg, OR?


How to book a dog walk in Roseburg, OR?


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