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Best dog walkers in Norfolk

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Joseph M avatar

1. Joseph M

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Winsted, CT, 06098


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Winsted, CT, 06098

Sarah A avatar

2. Sarah A

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Colebrook, CT, 06021


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Colebrook, CT, 06021

Alea C avatar

3. Alea C

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Winsted, CT, 06098


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Winsted, CT, 06098

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Why book a dog walker in Norfolk?

Is your pup ready for a stroll around the neighborhood? Find local dog walkers in Norfolk, CT who are background checked and vetted by Wag!. Easily schedule recurring walks ahead of time for days when you're in the office, or book on demand when you're out on the town and can't get home in time to walk your dog. Wag! is here to help you ensure your pup can enjoy the sniffs and sights around your Norfolk, CT neighborhood, even sending you pictures during the walk and notifications when your furry family member does their business.

The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Norfolk



North Egremont

If you drive about half an hour north of Norfolk into Massachusetts and the town of Egremont, you'll arrive in northern Egremont and at French Park. This historic park has sports courts, trails, playgrounds, and an off-leash dog park. The French Park Dog Park is a one-acre space for dogs to interact without the confines of a leash. There's also a small enclosure used for training or for introducing dogs to the park. There are waste disposal supplies and a few chairs inside the dog park, but there's no water on-site, so make sure you bring your own. Your dog can also join you in other areas of the park when they're on a leash.



The Paw Meadow Dog Park in eastern Simsbury, Connecticut is only 25 miles from Norfolk. This dog park features a vast enclosure for dogs of all sizes, as well as a separate area just for dogs under 25 pounds. Visitors love how friendly the people and atmosphere are at Paw Meadows, and there's also park lighting if you visit later in the day. The park's surface consists mostly of mulch, which makes it easier to clean up after your pet and also helps prevent messy paws. The dog park is free to use, but it is run and maintained by volunteers, so they always appreciate donations.


Salmon Brook

Another dog park that's less than 30 miles from Norfolk is the Granby Dog Park in southeastern Granby, Connecticut. The town of Granby has a population of nearly 12,000 people, and it borders Massachusetts. Salmon Brook is the area where you'll find the off-leash park, and in addition to the park, there are several schools in the vicinity. Granby Dog Park is a large space where dogs of all sizes can interact, and big trees provide comforting shade on hot days. Clean drinking water, waste disposal supplies, and seating are available as well. The park backs onto a river where dogs can take a dip, but the swimming area isn't fenced.


Candlewood Point

The area of south-central New Milford, Connecticut is a little more than 30 miles from Norfolk. Known as Candlewood Point, this area is also where you'll find the Candlewoof Dog Park near one of the town's elementary schools. The Candlewoof Dog Park has two separate enclosures: one for big dogs and another for small dogs, and in the big dog section, you'll find a variety of agility equipment, too. This park is run by volunteers, and while a fee isn't required, they always appreciate donations to go toward the park's maintenance. There are doggy bags and seating in the park, but be sure to bring your own drinking water.


Harwinton Recreation Area

A pawesome way to spend a day with your dog is to make the half-hour drive to the Harwinton Recreation Area in north-central Harwinton, Connecticut. This picturesque 90-acre area is one of the best places to hike near Norfolk, and the variety of trails to explore in Harwinton will be a thrill for you and Spot. There are trails that range from moderate to difficult in intensity, so whatever you're in the mood for, Harwinton Recreation Center has it! Along the trails, there are ponds and streams where your dog can cool off. Other areas of Harwinton Recreation Center have sports fields, picnic areas, playgrounds, and a fishing pond. Your dog must remain on a leash while you're at Harwinton Recreation Center.

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in Norfolk, CT?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in Norfolk, CT?


How long does a dog walk last in Norfolk, CT?


How to book a dog walk in Norfolk, CT?


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