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Best dog walkers in Chilhowie

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1. Marina G

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Chilhowie, VA, 24319


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Chilhowie, VA, 24319

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Wag! is the nation's fastest-growing network of vetted and background checked pet sitters, overnight boarding, dog walkers, dog trainers, and even virtual vet chat. Schedule ahead for pet care while you are away, or book on-demand pet care during the workday. In minutes you can book a nearby dog sitter, daycare provider, or dog walker, who'll take complete care of your loved one - at their place or yours.

Why book a dog walker in Chilhowie?

Booking a local dog walker in Chilhowie, VA is easy with the Wag! app. Simply set your pup's preferences and location, then let the platform match you with the perfect dog walker near you. You can even track your dog's walk with the GPS map in the app and see a report card of your pup's playdate when they return home. Stress-free pet care is just a tap away, and dog walkers all over the Chilhowie, VA are waiting to give your pooch the attention they deserve.

The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Chilhowie



Central Saltville

Saltville is a tiny community that is about ten miles from Chilhowie. This is where you will find the Salt Trail. The Salt Trail was once part of the railroad, before the Rails-to-Trails Conservation converted this abandoned rail corridor into a Fido-friendly walking trail. As you walk the eight-mile trail, you will pass through farmland, woodlands, and across several city roads. There aren't many places to stop, so you will want to bring lots of water for you and your fur baby. Remember that this is a leash-only trail system. Everything is clearly marked so that you don't get lost along the way.



Southeast Abingdon

At the corner of Main and Pecan, you will find the entrance to The Virginia Creeper National Recreation Trail. The Virginia Creeper National Recreation Trail runs from Abingdon to Damascus, which is about 17 miles. Along the way, you will see dense forests, beautiful countryside, Christmas tree farms, and even grazing llamas. There are restrooms along the way that are housed in the former railroad depots, which are worth the walk all on their own. The Virginia Creeper National Recreation Trail follows along the Holston River and Laurel Creek, so be sure to bring a towel if you plan to let your pup swim!



Main Street

It's a good thing that Abingdon is so close to Chilhowie -- it has some really great places to eat! Rain Restaurant is fur-friendly and features fresh, locally-sourced food. The goal of Rain Restaurant is to serve food made with ingredients taken right from the farm. The menu is classic American with all your favorites, but there are also seasonal twists that are constantly changing. Remember to check the daily specials to see what was picked from the farm that morning. The entire patio caters to canines. Don't forget to bring a water dish for Fido. You both are going to be ready for a belly rub when you leave!



Grayson Highlands State Park

Grayson Highlands State Park is located a little over twenty miles from Chilhowie. It is just far enough away that you can escape here every weekend if you want to. It has over 4,500 acres of room to play and explore. There are complete hook-ups where you can camp. There's even an entire section for you to bring your horse along as well! This is the pawfect place to hike; you can choose from trails of various difficulties based on your experience. Be careful, though -- there are bears in this park, and they've been known to traverse the trails, so keep your eyes peeled! The weather here is harsh and constantly changing, so please check the weather and pack your gear accordingly.




If you go just past Marion, down Lee's Highway, and take exit 54, you will find a roadside stand called Dip Dog Stand. A "dip dog" is kind of like a corn dog, but so much better! This is a family-run stand that has burgers, fries, shakes, and ice cream. It is the perfect place to stop by because it has plenty of tail-wagging, dog-friendly friendly seating. The barbecue sauce is said to be the best in America! You can even get it by the bottle. The best part is that this unique attraction is only 13 miles from Chilowie.

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in Chilhowie, VA?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in Chilhowie, VA?


How long does a dog walk last in Chilhowie, VA?


How to book a dog walk in Chilhowie, VA?


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