

3 min read


Why Dogs Don't Like Yeast



3 min read





At first, this may seem like a silly question because, look at it from a human perspective, what human actually likes raw yeast? There can’t be a lot of people that actually do. So, then it makes perfect sense why a dog wouldn’t like it. However, we are talking about dogs here and most dogs will eat just about anything in front of them. So, why is it that most dogs dislike yeast? Is it the taste? Or maybe it is the smell? Or could it possibly be something more medical related? Let’s dive right into the root cause of why dogs don’t yeast to find this answer

The Root of the Behavior

The biggest reasons that a dog doesn’t like yeast is because raw yeast is actually quite harmful to dogs. In fact, it can be so toxic to dogs that it can be life-threatening. If your dog did eat yeast (and there are dogs who will eat anything, including yeast) there are a couple of health concerns to worry about. The first concern is bloating. Yeast likes to rise in a and moist environment. When a dog ingests yeast it can rise and cause the dog’s stomach to expand and increase in size. The expanding of the stomach and the pressure can lead to bloat, a life-threatening condition in dogs. Symptoms of bloat include but are not limited to drooling, bloated abdomen, restlessness, heavy panting, shallow breathing, and pacing. If your dog develops bloat, there isn’t anything you can do for them except to get them to a vet immediately. Death from this can happen within a few short hours if not treated right away.

Also, there is a fermentation process that goes on when yeast rises, which produces ethanol. Ethanol is then absorbed into your dog’s bloodstream. Once this occurs, your dog is at high risk for alcohol poisoning. Symptoms of alcohol poisoning in a dog include vomiting (or attempting to vomit), staggering, weakness, panting, drooling, and hyperactivity. It can take a few hours before you see these symptoms as the yeast goes through the fermentation process. However, if you do see any of these signs after your dog ingested yeast, take him or her to the vet right away. Alcohol poisoning can cause other issues such as tremors, disorientation, hypothermia, respiratory issues, and hypoglycemia. So with that being said, most dogs probably don't like yeast because they are smart enough to know it could hurt them. However, this does not mean you can just leave yeast or raw dough lying around. Some dogs will eat just about anything they find so be sure to keep yeast out of your dog's reach.

Encouraging the Behavior

It is very important to never give your dog yeast or raw dough. Also, make sure that if you do bake not to leave it out for your dog to get into. This can cause serious fatal issues for your dog. Instead, we encourage you to give your dog safe and healthy treats available at your local pet stores. There is some human food a dog can eat on occasion as well. Apples are a great treat for your dog and actually helps to clean their teeth but do not let them eat the seeds. Also, bananas are a good source of potassium to give to your dog on occasion. Another good healthy treat you can give your dog is berries such as blueberries, raspberries, and even strawberries. Berries have free-radical antioxidants which are really good for both dogs and humans alike! Just avoid the yeast and raw dough altogether and you should be fine. In case your dog does accidentally ingest yeast take them to the vet immediately. It’s important to have them checked out right away to avoid serious complications.

Other Solutions and Considerations

In general, feeding your dog bread as a treat once in awhile won’t typically hurt him or her. As long as your dog is getting a nutritious diet and gets plenty of exercise cooked bread is perfectly fine as a treat. However, keep in mind that bread is full of carbs and if your dog is already overeating and not exercising enough, feeding him or her bread regularly can lead to obesity and other issues that come along with obesity. So while yeast and raw dough are harmful, for the most part, bread is okay for your dog in small portions.


The bottom line is this; dogs do not like yeast for a very good reason, it can be fatal to for them. So, never give your dog yeast or raw dough. Your pet's health is important to you and your family so be sure you are always feeding your pooch foods that are safe for him or her.

Written by a Newfoundland lover Billie Raucci

Veterinary reviewed by:

Published: 04/06/2018, edited: 01/30/2020

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