Border Collie Lakeland Breed Maintenance
The Border Collie Lakeland hybrid will require moderate maintenance; thorough brushings will likely be required two to three times a week due to the high levels of shedding contributed by the Border Collie breed parent while the Lakeland Terrier breed parent contributes coat characteristics which require stripping several times a year to control the shedding, in addition to once a week brushings. Some trimming is needed for the Border Collie coat. Shampooing needs only be done when it is necessary. Regular and routine eye checkups and ear examinations and cleaning will keep those areas healthy. Almost every canine breed or hybrid needs regular and routine teeth examinations and cleaning to avoid periodontal disease and tooth loss. You may need to trim the facial hair if your pet has more of the Lakeland characteristics, while those with the Border Collie coat characteristics will need trimmed overall regularly since their hair is longer.