Playing chase
Playing with rope toys
Therapy Training
Hide & Seek
Potty training with puppy pads seemed to come natural/pretty easy to our Schnoxie, she learns so quickly it's amazing. She prefers to have more of a private space to poop on the pads however. We had gotten her at 10 weeks of age, and her coat then was smooth, ears were pretty droopy, we had thought she would take after her mother who is a Dachshund, however she is now 4 months old and her fur has grown into a mix of smooth and wired. She now has bits of a "mustache" growing around her mouth, and her little paws have grown quite furry. Her ears have now a slight height to them while they are still floppy ears sometimes when she is alert or excited one ear will stand but was she is calm again the ear flops back down. We catch her with her ears flopped backwards a lot and it's just the funniest look ever. She is quite hyper as a 4 month old. We have learned this breeds need to chew is very over the top, we have found using a tough rope toy for bigger dogs to be more effective for her, as her tiny razor teeth shreds anything smaller into bits. Tennis ball toys, plush squeaky toys I would NOT suggest for this breed as they can destroy them pretty quickly. Tough rubber toys such as the Kongo toys or bigger tug of war ropes would be better fit. Until she has all of her Vaccines including rabies vaccine, she's been staying inside the apartment so being stir crazy is understandable, her curiosity knows no bounds, she will explore every inch of the house and is indeed small enough to fit in tight spaces, so "baby proofing" the house was a must.
Our Schnoxie is also being trained as a ESP (Emotional Support Pet) and just at 4 months old she has already picked up on sadness, and anxiety/panic attacks and has demonstrated the "it's okay I'm here" method of support. She will crawl into the lap and begin licking and nuzzling the hands, and begin the close cuddling method to help calm the person. What is amazing is that she is so smart and not only performs these methods on her set therapy partner but will also perform these methods on our child who also suffers from anxiety. I would deeply suggest this breed for companionship, especially if your looking for a easy to train dog, emotional support, a good child companion, easy maintenance. I am personally used to training Decker Terriers, this is my first time owning and training a Schnoxie and I am honestly blown away at her progress and how she is as part of the family. Sorry for the lengthy review on this breed but I do hope that our experiences SO FAR with this breed, will help answer and reassure other beginning Schnoxie owners.
1 year, 5 months ago