I chanced into Mouse when I was looking for a dog to train as a PTSD and cardiac alert service dog. He is on the small side for a Border Newfie at 45 lbs and about 20 inches to the shoulder. Appearance wise, he has the markings on the chest and feet of a border, the fur length of a border with the texture of a Newfie, extremely small ears which has predisposed him to crohnic ear infections, and a waterproof coat. He was one of the easiest K9s I have ever trained (have trained shepherds and plotts primarily). He has two modes, “newf” and “border”. He will flip from acting like a full blood Newfie to a full blood border in the blink of an eye. When he is in Border mode .... he doesn’t slow down and will herd any thing in site. He instinctually let’s out a low grumble to vibrate my legs to warn me if someone is coming, which I have found to be a Newfie mix thing. He is extremely protective of the people he loves, but a gentle giant. He will hold someone and alert, but won’t put teeth on them. He tends to be a heavy chewer of toys, and destroyer of plushies .... unless it is one of his “favorites” as they seem to last forever. We have noted no prey drive, and he will even stand watch over the nest of bunnies we had this spring to ensure no one gets them. On days that I am extremely sick, he will spend the entire day in bed at my side, only leaving when my husband relieves him of duty to go eat or go potty. By far one of the most loyal dogs I have ever owned. He has been with us since the day he turned 12 weeks.
5 years, 11 months ago