The Boston Terrier I have worked with was incredibly amicable, especially since our first meeting was also our only meeting, up to this present day. When I entered the apartment, classical music was playing from a stereo to keep him company while his owners were out for the day. This is a common practice among dog owners, but relative to this breed, it may indicate the level of its social need, so to speak. Dogs are as accustomed to us as we are to them, only they articulate it in their own way. This Boston Terrier jumped from his warm pile of blankets on the couch to greet me extremely amicably, showcasing a mix of both excitement and polite reservation. I was instructed to help him into his winter jacket and he was one of the only dogs I have ever met who understood such a procedure to this degree: he offered me his paws without even being asked to do so. He was happy and calm, excited for him walk. It happened to be the first snowfall of the season, and when we went outside, his demeanor quickly changed: we only got to walk for a few minutes. He proceeded normally down the block, saying hello to other dogs and marking his territory. Once he finished his business, he was magnetically attracted to the front door of his building and I could do nothing to remove him from that spot. I sat with him, my usual custom to let a dog know he or she is safe with me, and he immediately sat in my lap, shivering intensely through his jacket. This immediate and intense trust shown to me under such dire circumstances (relative to the dog in question) allowed me to understand that it is likely Boston Terriers are very aware of their communal relationships with people. I contacted the owner, who said it was OK to return their dog early, and this Boston Terrier was ecstatic to be back in the warmth of the apartment. It is worth noting that during all the changes of circumstance, and amid all the pressure put upon this dog for his brief 10 minutes outside, he never once changed his attitude toward me personally. Verbal cues had lost their sway due to the cold the Terrier was focused on. I personally did not feel that cold but it goes to show how these creatures have highly individuated perspectives that must be respected and understood; especially so, accounting for the fact that Boston Terriers are very understanding dogs of great integrity themselves.
7 years, 2 months ago